Chapter four

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Authors note
Sorry for not updating for a while its because of school and homework and sturrrrrfs and sorry again but let's get to the story!

Gaster! Sans P.O.V.
"Who are you?" I heard a voice come from behind me.

"Well I could ask the same thing. So who are you?" I asked.

"I asked first so there fore you have to answer first." The voice said.

" Well I'm Gaster Sans. But you could just call me Gast. Now your turn." I said as I turned around.

"I'm Chesstale Sans but just call me chess." Chess said.

"OK then, Chess can you tell me where I am?" I asked.

"Well your in Snowdin and Snowdin is in the Underground. Wait how do you not know this? Chess asked.

"Well I'm kinda new here and well came here unwillingly." I said.

"Unwillingly? What do you mean?" Chess asked trying to comprehend the unwillingly part " Then how did you get here?"

"Well I was pulled into a portal, passed out, then ended up here." I explained.

"Well that explains a little." Chess mumbled.

"Explain what?" I asked.

Chesstale Sans P.O.V.

"Explain what?" Gast asked confused.

"Well a day ago I was walking out of my house and I felt a warm breeze for a bi- wait why am I telling you this?" I said while asking my self.

"Well of you don't trust me I understand. People don't really trust a fuse that involves a part of Gaster." Gast said.

"I can give you a you a tour of Snowdin if you would like." I said.

"Sure." Gast said.

While I was showing him around Snowdin I started thinking why did he come here? Of course we wouldn't know that. There's a lot of other alternate universes he could have ended up in. Why this one?

"Hey what's that building?" Gast asked snapping me back to reality.

"That's my house." I said answering his question. Then continued walking.

I spaced off again but he didn't really care. I started thinking again. Why was there a warm breeze and no one noticed it. Almost everyone was outside that day. I only have one question. What is this feeling?

The Piece That Stays on the Board Forever (Gaster! Sans x Chesstale! Sans)Where stories live. Discover now