chapter 6

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Ink's point of view...

"Ugh, where the hell is he?" I questioned myself while looking over every AU trying to find gaster sans. The reason i was looking for gaster sans is because well... I might have made a portal and umm it might have kinda inhaled gaster sans and exhaled him into a different AU. Soooo yeah that happened.

I felt a presence behind me so i looked behind myself while asking 'who would be in the anti-void other than, wow im an idiot.' I turned back around and jumped seeing Error standing infront of me. Didnt think he would be standing neutral infront of me. I mean every time we saw eachother it was usually a fight to the DEATH. Haha no im kidding we both have the same amout of power and yeah so the fights last for while.

"Hey ink" Error greeted (I'm not gonna do Errors glitched voice unless you want me to)
"Heya Error" I greeted back
"What are ya doin'?" Error questioned
"Im wondering about something" I answered
"About what" Error asked
"About why your neutral today and not trying to kill me" I answered
"Can't I take a day off" Error said while sitting next to me looking at the AU's I was flipping through.
"What ya tryin' to find" Error questioned me still looking at the AU's
"Gaster sans thats who. Also dont get any ideas Error I don't need you to go destroying any more AU's got it." I answered
"Isnt that him there?" Error asked looking at the AU Chesstale
"Wait, what" I looked over at Chesstale "WHAT" I shouted and Error flinched.

Errors point of veiw...

I was casually walking about underswap when i heard something...very familiar then it hit me like a bullet. It was *squints eyes* the blueberry.
"HELLO ERROR" US sans was sprinting towards me so i tried hiding in a tree but that failed.
"ERROR WHY ARE YOU IN THE TREE" US sans questioned
"Just kinda hanging about" I answered and I teleported to the anti-void avoiding underswap sans

I noticed Ink sitting a distance away so I decided to walk over to him. I think he noticed my presence and turned around but I moved away just in time he turned back how he was before. I saw him jump when he saw me. We started talking so I sat next to him. Ink shouted when I pointed out gaster sans and when Ink shouted I kinda flinched.
"I have to go find where in Chesstale he is" Ink said
"I'll help also" I exclaimed
Ink gave me this 'really?' face when I said that
"Hey I'm just trying to be helpful." I said trying not to show that I was lied half way it was another reason also.
"Okay lets go then" Ink said while opening a portal
"Well okay then" I said while following Ink into the portal to Chesstale.

HAHAHA I'M DONE WITH AN ACTUAL CHAPTER. Well I found out that the official name is underpatch that is the AU gaster sans is from. Well anyway thanks for still reading this even if I kinda didnt update this very recently. ANYWAY see ya in the next chapter have a good day

The Piece That Stays on the Board Forever (Gaster! Sans x Chesstale! Sans)Where stories live. Discover now