lol (1)

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it's been ten months since you've been gone.
time flies so fast without any of us realize it, right?
and after all this time, i'm here.
i'm here in the same place.
do you remember any of fun things we did together?
when we always looked into each other and throw that silly face.
the way our hands intertwined and how your fingers fit perfectly in mine,
when you usually lend your jacket if i was cold while it was raining.
i still remember those things because you know what, i won't forget any of that.

but it has been a long time, hasn't it?
and there is one thing that you should know, i still remember our memories.

but now,
i feel different,
and i guess it's different in a good way,
my heart doesn't break anymore when i remember us,
the tears never spill out from my eyes anymore when i remember all the good things we did together,
my hands can write stories without you being a part of it again,
my chest doesn't feel tight and hurt anymore everytime i remember your beautiful smile,
i usually hate the rain because it reminds me of you but now, i don't,
but please don't get me wrong.
i miss you, always.

but i think,
this is what they called move on,
and i did.

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