chapter 1

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Wendy's p.o.v

"okay so by the looks of the weather patterns, in Ohio there might be a case, not to mention the amount of sulfur that the cops just can't explain." I said as I sipped my drink while checking out possible cases.
"well do you think we should go check it out?" Angel asked me.
"what else do we have to do other than sit here and watch paint dry." I responded while already packing my things for the trip.
"Then let's do this!" angel said getting excited. you see she's an angel of God but she didn't always agree with the rules in heaven, so her and her friend, Castiel, I think she said his name was, came down to earth and took refuge in vessels. angel looks like a normal human being when she didn't have her giant wings out. me, I'm just your average girl, unless you count the part about Hanging With An Angel and hunting monsters.

we got in my black 65 Mustang.
" so do you think we will find yellow eyes this time? "Angel asked.
"I don't know, but I hope we find him soon." I sighed.
we pulled into the police station, to ask what people have seen or heard from recent events.

Angels p.o.v

just as we pulled up to the police station, I could tell something was up.
"Wendy, there's already an angel inside." I stopped her
"what do you mean, how can you tell?"she said looking at the building.
"I can sense it... His grace." I explained.
"well... Angels are good right so we will be fine let's go." she said walking into the building. we took out our fake FBI badges ready to show the officers.
"FBI agent Monroe and Langdon if we could just-"Wendy started but only to get cut off by the officer
"more FBI how many agents do they need on a murder?" Officer Hood asked.
"um... sorry?" I asked him to elaborate.
"there's already 3 of your guys in there questioning the witness. oh here they come now." He explained. two men came out of the room followed by... Castiel? when he saw me, he had the same facial expression as me.
"Cas?"I whispered but only Wendy and the three boys heard.
"um... Agents... what are you um... Doing here?"I said staying in character.
"investigating the murder of Emily Jones I can see the office got the message. They sent back up."the tallest one said
"right, let's head back and discuss what we have, thank you officer, we will be in touch."Wendy said walking out the door.

Wendy's p.o.v

we all walked outside and Once We Were Far Enough from the station, I turned to face the rest.
"okay, who are you guys, and don't say FBI because I know a fake badge when I see one." I said crossing my arms. but before they could answer, Angel ran up to one of them.
"Cas!how are you?" she said Letting Go from the hug.
"hey Angel, I'm great how are you?" he asked both with the biggest smiles.
"okay I'm sorry to break this little reunion but cas do you have anything to say?" The bad ass looking one said.
"Sam, Dean, this is Angel my best friend from heaven."Castiel explained
"whoa whoa whoa... Sam and Dean as in Winchester? "I asked.
"yeah, who are you?"the giant one asked.
"Wendy and that's angel" I said
"Angel the angel, how ironic"bad ass said
"Dean be nice"Sam said now knowing who is who.
"so what are you guys doing here?" I asked
"I'm guessing the same thing as you guys, we are on a hunt, we are chasing down the yellow-eyed demon tha-"Sam started but I cut him off
"wait you're hunting yellow eyes too?" I asked. Well this could go wrong...

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