chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Angels p.o.v

"okay so maybe we should go talk to some of the locals" I suggested
"yeah maybe we could check out some saloon girls while we are at it" Dean said smirking at his younger brother, but Sam just glared at him.
"kidding, come on" dean said as we walk to town. as we walked up, there were people gathered around and man who was being hung. The man said he was being killed for the murder of his wife. the man being hung said his last words and they pulled the lever to hang him.
"so... Where do we find Samuel Colt?" Dean asked
"no idea"wendy replied
"I think I know who to ask." I said. that's what a man turn to Dean and said "nice blanket" before walking away. Dean look down disappointed and took off the material. We walked into the two Sheriff's Office hoping to get some answers. the only information we got is there laughing at Dean for how clean his clothes are, for me and Wendy being dressed weird for girls since we weren't wearing dresses and to go ask someone at the saloon if they saw the gun maker. when we got to the scene, the bartender told us a bit about Samuel Colt like he was building a railway in the middle of nowhere.
"the devil's gate?" Sam whispered. we're about to reply when we heard a squeaky voice behind us.
"Howdy boys" we turn to see a woman who looked to be in her thirties, not very pretty might I add.
"Darla's My Best Girl" the bartender told the boys.
"try me, you want to kiss?" She asked. that's when I felt when you showed me giving me a silent message before she spoke up "sorry darling but these Cowboys are taken"she said wrapping her arm around Sam's waist, so I did the same to Dean. She then walked back upstairs with the judge. That took a whole three minutes before we heard a scream and she ran back down so we ran up just in time to see the judge in ashes. 

"are you okay Sheriff?" Sam asked
"it was a ghost" darla said
"it wasn't a ghost" Sheriff answered "unless ghosts have Footprints." He continued.
"I'm telling you the man who was hung did that"Darla said.
"So I think we should pay our respects to the dead man" Wendy said

Wendy's p.o.v

so that night we made our way to the grave of mr. Wife killer to salt and burn the remains, but when we got there, the coffin was broken open and there was no body.
"okay so we have to find a way to kill this thing" angel said
"what we know one thing that can kill anything" Dean said
"yeah the Colt but isn't it coming here?" Sam asked
"yeah but no one really knows Colts so maybe we should go find him. I mean we know where he's building the railway don't we?" I asked
"okay but the Colt is 20 miles out of town, how are we going to get there before our 24 hours is up?" Sam asked
that's when Dean turned around and said "ride em cowboy" looking at his younger brother. Angel was going to stay and look after Dean. So me and  Sam got on a couple horses and took off.

Angels p.o.v

Me and dean showed up to help the sheriff and his "posse" catch the Killer but no one was there and we heard someone yell.
"guys to Sheriff's dead" me and Dean looked at each other before running out to see the sheriff in the same way as a judge.
"well who's the sheriff now?" I asked. the bartender grabbed the badge from the ashes and put it on Dean.
"congratulation Sheriff" before walking away.
"what the hell just happened? "I asked
"well I think I just got promoted" Dean said

"so what do we do now?" I asked
"well he said he was going to kill the judge, the sheriff and the deputy. two down and one to go." Dean said.
"so we are going to use him as bait?" I asked

Wendy's p.o.v

Me and sam made it to where Samuel Colt was, it looks like a small cabin, so we walked in.
"Hello?" I asked but got no reply as we were walking water got splashed at us.
"what the hell?" I asked
"we aren't demons, where Hunters" I heard Sam say. I looked up and he was talking to the one and only Samuel Colt.
"hello sir are you Samuel Colt? my name is Wendy and this is Sam Winchester we are hunters from 2017. " I explained
"Prove it" he said looking at us.
it took us a few seconds we weren't sure what to do
"oh here" I said taking out my phone, and giving it to him.
After explaining what we needed his help with, he still refused to help.
"well if you don't want to help then can you give us the gun? " I asked.

Angels p.o.v

so me and Dean were waiting in the county jail, we figured like most monsters he couldn't touch iron.
"so you guys are just going to let me rot in here" the deputy said
"no you will be free as soon as we kill this guy" I said. And speak of the devil...
"let me guess Hunters" he said
"slash sheriff" Dean added
"do you have any idea what they did?" He asked
"no but I was hoping you could tell us" I said.
"you see I was married to a woman, human we lived out of town, I go into the bank for five minutes and she's gone, then I heard her scream." the deputy looks scared "this man had her pinned in the alley I go to stop him but he pulls out his gun shoots me than her, she died in my arms" he explained.
"is that true" Dean asked but got no reply so we took that as a yes.
"so are you going to let me kill him?" The man asked
"I would, but I know what you are and I have to kill you" Dean said
"then if you know what I am you know I can't be killed" he said right before pulling out a gun and killing the deputy.
"wow we should have seen that coming" dean said and we jumped out the window before we could get shot too and ran.

Wendy's p.o.v

we made it back to town with little to no time to spare, we saw Dean hiding behind a building with Angel.
"Dean!" Sam said
"oh thank God where's Colt" he asked
"he's not coming, but he sends this" I pull out the colt and hand it to him. then then walk out of hiding and into the open and yelled for the monster to come out. As soon as he heard, he came and stood about 20 feet in front of Dean.
"so this is how you want to die? Fine." He said. they both got ready to grab their guns and at 11:59 they pulled out the gun, dean got first shot and once hit with a bullet from the Colt, he burned to Ash.
"Dean get the ashes" I yelled. As he was running, we got pulled back. Castiel look drained.
"you have to send this back" Dean said. just as there was a knock on the door. I went to get the door to see a delivery man.
"hi is there a Wendy and Sam here?" The man asked
"yeah that's me, who's asking?"
"yes this package has been in the office since forever, and was told to be delivered here on this date. It's from a Samuel Colt." I grab the box and walked back into the room opening the box.
"my phone!" I said. it was in the Box along with a note, some of the ashes and the colt!

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