chapter 15

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Angels p.o.v

Sam refuse to let Wendy die, he said he was going to find a way to bring her back. So we decided that we were going to bring her to Bobby's and try to figure something out.
"hey Sammy, you should eat something" Dean came in with food.
"I'm fine" he replied drinking from his third beer in an hour.
"Sam I hate to say this, but don't you think we should bury her?" I asked. Sam glared at me.
"No." He said
"well what about if we gave her a Hunters-" I started, only for him to cut me off.
"I said no! Not yet..."he said Whispering the last part.
"Sam I understand how you feel, but-" again he cut me off.
"you have no idea how I feel." he said glaring once again.
"really! Cause you seem to forget Sam. She was my best friend, she taught me everything, she's like a sister to me!" I yelled Before walking away. after a while, I had relaxed and walk downstairs. Sam had gone somewhere so I sat with Wendy inside.
"do you remember when we first met? You weren't any older than 15. You took care of me, you are my only friend. You helped anyone who needed it and we're willing to risk yourself to do it" I started before continuing "what am I going to do without you..." I sighed. that's when I started to wonder where Sam disappeared Q. I tracked him down, he was at a crossroad... The heck was he doing there-
" oh no! " I said before showing up where he was. He was standing with a demon trying to make a deal with her.
"Sam! DON'T!" I said getting both of their attention, making the girl roll her eyes.
"Angel? What are you doing here? Go home" he said.
"no Sam, we can find a better way, would she want you to do this?" I said
"what difference does it make, she's not here is she " he said his voice cracking at the end.
"what is she giving you?" I asked
"1 year" he mumbled but I heard him.
" 1 fucking Year! Sam when that year is up, what is Wendy going to think? What is Dean going to think?!" I yelled at him as I walked closer, I can see the circle around the demon, my guess was Sam made a devil's trap. When he noticed what I saw, he smiled. so he's not as dumb as I thought. Once he was going to seal the deal, he backed away out of the circle.
"what the hell?" She said looking down.
"I'm shocked you didn't notice it before" Sam said.
"I hate Winchester's, what do you want?" She asked
"you already know" he smiled.
"yeah like I'm going to do that for free" she said Crossing her arms.
"okay so no deal? I will just find another demon that will do it for me." he said starting an exorcism she started screaming.
"okay stop! I'll do it." She yelled which made Sam stop. She closed her eyes before speaking
"okay it's done now let me go." She said.
"No" and started the incantation again until she was gone.
"Sam? Wendy..." I said trying to tell him let's go check on her. So we left.

Wendy's p.o.v

I open my eyes and took a huge breath of air before sitting up.
"what the hell?" I said. I got up still sore and made my way over to the Mirror. I lifted my shirt up enough to see the cut was still there but sealed enough so blood wasn't leaving my body. just in the door open revealing Dean with food. He looked at me and dropped his pie.
"Wendy?! How what? Oh my God!" He ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"Dean still sore" I told him. "What happened?" I asked still confused
"you tell me, you were dead, how are you not anymore?" but it's like a lake clicked in his head
"Sam" he said wide eyes. The door open once again to reveal Sam and Angel, but I wasn't too happy to see them at the moment.

Angels p.o.v

me and Sam got back to Bobby's as fast as we could. As we walk through the door I saw Dean standing there pissed with pie on the floor. I looked over a bit and saw Wendy was up and also looked kind of pissed.
"Wendy! Oh my God!" I said not caring if she's mad I ran over and gave her a hug.
"ouch seriously that hurts" she said I touched her forehead and healed the rest of her cuts.
"thank you, now that that's done, what the hell did you guys do!?!" She yelled at me and Sam.
"Wendy, calm down" Sam told her
"calm down, calm down! Sam you better not have done but I think you did!" She continued yelling poking Sam's chest.
"Wendy listen let us explain" I told her
"oh please do, this better be freaking good." she said Crossing her arms.
"I didn't sell my soul" Sam said
" I can't believe you fuck- wait didn't? " she said calming down. We explain everything that happened from being stab to dying, two coming back from the dead, to both her and Dean, cause he was just as confused. Once done when he walked up to Sam smiled at him... Then pushed him.
"ouch what-" but was cut off when she pulled his face to hers
" thank you" she said kissing him.

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