chapter 2

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Wendy's p.o.v

"so did you guys find anything on our demon?"I asked the group of boys.
"no, we followed the trail here thinking it was him but I think it's just an ordinary demon." Dean said
"okay, well what did you guys find then?" Angel asked
"The demon isn't very good at hiding, we tracked him down already, he's in a warehouse, he took a Woman by the name of Julie Garlits. she's an office worker, mother of two and wife of Michael Garlits." Sam explained
"okay, so where is this Warehouse?" I asked
"1082 Bellevue road, just outside of town." Dean said.that's all the information we needed, we all made our way to our vehicles then to the abandoned building. when we got there, the place looks empty.
"there is more than one demon in there" angel said.
"yeah, there must be at least 6 or 7." Cas added
"okay so what's the plan?" Sam asked
"well I've got the demon blade and cas has a few more Angel blades... So I guess we just use the element of surprise and attack." Dean said. Cas handed everyone but Dean a blade.
"okay so we will split up into groups and each take an entrance. According to the reports there are three doors. this way we have all the exits covered." Sam explained
"right so Sam and Wendy you guys take the front door, Cas and Angel you take the back one and I will take the side entrance."Dean said and everyone nodded before splitting up. me and Sam made our way to the front door, which is obviously locked,so Sam picked the lock to get us inside.we got in and walked for a few minutes until Sam was tackled to the ground. they fought for a few minutes and sam seem to be winning until the demon pinned him down to the ground. that's when I took my chance and took out my angel blade to stab the demon in the back. there was a great big flash, then poof he was dead.
"wow, I need to get myself one of these!"I said with a smile helping sam to his feet.
"yeah, they do come in handy."he said as we continue to walk, I wonder how the others are doing?

Angels p.o.v

me and Castiel walk through the back door, but we couldn't sense anything which was weird. we walked until we came to an opening, the others weren't here yet. we finally got close enough and I could tell there was a demon nearby so I motioned for cas to follow. as soon as we came around a corner, we were attacked. we were both fighting a demon of Our Own. I heard cas fall which distracted me long enough for the demon to send me flying. once he came up to me, he started to choke me but I had just enough strength to take the blade and shove it into his side. there was a Flash and both me and cas managed to kill a demon. we made it back to the opening where the others were standing.
"okay, did we get them all, I killed one" Dean said
"us too" Wendy added
"we got one each" Castiel said
"I can still sense more demons, there must be at least three more in the building."I explained. and with that everyone went flying in different directions. Dean look like you have fell and conscience. Sam and Wendy were about to get up, but the demon was holding them to the wall with his powers and looked like he was choking them. me and Cas went to go help only to be flung across the room again. as soon as I look up, there was a demon looking down at me with a smirk.
"well well well what do we have here two angels helping out some Hunters who just so happened to be the Winchesters and Miss Wendy" he laughed I was about to say something but he screamed in pain and there was that flash once again. I saw dean standing behind him with the demon blade in his hands.
"Thanks" I said. He just nodded and went to help his brother. Castiel had managed to kill the other demon. we got close enough to the one that was hurting our friends but not enough to get caught yet.
"Sam and wendy... Together in one place... The boss will be happy to see you too. "the demon laughed and we could tell that our friends are having troubles trying to stay conscious. I came out of hiding quietly to sneak up on him.
"you know angel it's  not nice to try and sneak up on people."he said, shit... he turned to me still holding my friends, but Sam managed to hit him with something he had found, making him drop himself and Wendy. Sam grab the blade and stab him in the leg.

we had gotten him into a Devils trap and ask him questions, but the only thing we got, was that his boss, yellow eyes, was going to be happy that Sam and Wendy were working together. so in the end, we killed him. Dean walked over to both me and Wendy.
"I think it's about time we find out why you guys are hunting yellow eyes."he said Crossing his arms.

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