Barry arrived back at the labs with Iris who had passed out by now. Whatever had happened there, she had been through a lot. Barry put her down gently on the bed where Cisco and Wells started their examination. Barry zoomed back to the Cotex where where Felecity was still working.
"How is she? She doesn't seem to have any visible injuries," noted Joe. He sat next to Iris and held her hand as Cisco took bloods and monitored her heart rate.
"All is looking good so far. We have to wait for her to wake up now," said Wells.
They made their way out to the Cotex to find it empty but only Felecity. "He is on his way. Hopefully he makes it on time," she said.
"Guys I'm here but I don't see anyone. Are you sure this is where I'm suppose to find themselves?"called Barry through his ear piece. "This is a large ground to cover and I'm running out of time."
"Barry I'm getting a strong signal from there but I can't break down it down further sorry," replied back Felecity.
"Barry, there is someone on the east side of your current location. Go," called Cisco.
All watched in tension as Barry ran to the location and sure enough found some standing over the edge of the cliff. Barry came closer without scaring him to the edge.
"Where are they?" Barry asked calmly.
"You are too late my friend. You made your choice and now you will have it live with the consequences. They know who you care about and who doesn't mean anything to you," said the guy as a smile spread across his face.
"Who are you. We can help you."
"All I wanted was to make this all stop and she promised me. I did what I was asked. She is gone, I pushed her from the Edge of the cliff."
Shock and fear rose inside Barry. He ran to the edge and looked down. There was no sign of her. All he saw was a long distance and rocky edge of the mountain. Tears formed in his eyes and he fell to his knees. What had he done. He had time yet she was gone.
Barry arrived back at the Labs where he found the Cotex quiet as they all sat in silence moaning their loss.
// Flash back //
"Well Flash, your hour is up and I know you are smart have been trying to track down our location. We are a step ahead of you all too.," said Ethan.
"We haven't put all our eggs in the same baskets you see. At the end of this we still want our renvenge on STAR Labs."
"What are you taking about?" Asked Joe. "Tell us where my daughter and Caitlin is."
"Calm down there Joe, we will tell you all that. We want to see if the Flash can live up to his name. He goes around saving people and making us believe that the particle accelerator explosion made us all stronger so we could go around saving people. We aren't monsters and all."
"But we all know that even he has let down so many people who he said he cared for. We want to test the speed and priority of the Flash. So we have put Caitlin and Iris in different location. In exactly 2 minutes one of them will loose their life forever and one will be there safely."
"If Flash is what he is cracked up to be then he will be able to save them both. We will give you the location but it is up to you to find them yourself."
The information was still sinking in when the screen went blank and the silence once again took over the room.
"Barry, we have the locations," interrupted Cisco. Caitlin's location is Grand Canyon National Park and Iris is at the LA docks."
"They are not even in Central City," pointed out Joe. "They knew that we wouldn't be a to locate and save them both. Felecity, can you narrow down the exact location of them."
"On it now Joe."
"Barry, you can't be wasting time. We already are running out of it. You have to go and save at least one of them," said Wells.
"I know but who do i save?"
"I know this may sound harsh and cold but you have known Iris your whole life. You love her and loosing someone you love is hard, trust me on that. You have to go to her first and by the time you return we would have located Caitlin."
Barry paused and tried to think. Wells was right he had known Iris his whole life and was in live with her since he knew what love was but Caitlin was also someon too special to loose. There wasn't time to be lost and he was running out of options.
"Felecity, keep working on finding Caitlin. By the time I get here I want to know where exactly she is." With that he zoomed off to wher Iris was located.
// Present time //
"I don't get it, we still have time to save Caitlin. So how can she be gone," said Cisco. He tried to hide the sorrow from his voice but it was visible on his face.
"It's all my fault. I didn't figure this out all earlier and let them get hurt in the first place. Because of me Caitlin had to go through so much, first Killer Frost and then Stacey's nightmare maddness and now losing her life because I wasn't fast enough," blamed Barry.
"Barr, it's not your fault. We all had a part in helping you and we all are to blame equally," said Joe in support.
"Joe, I'm suppose to be the one who has to save lives and make it better but the more I want to help someone the worse I make things. Maybe I don't even deserve to wear the suit. The Flash died with Caitlin because without Caitlin there is no Flash."
SnowBarry - WestAllen Unexpected
FanfictionBarry Allen has always been in love with Iris and now things are going great between them. Until Barry starts getting close to Catlin Snow. They have a bond that no one can explain. Barry cares about her deeply and so does Catlin. But when this...