My Roller Coaster Life Prologue

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Copyright © 2011-2012 by Felicia Chua (arielisha) All Rights Reserved.

This book is a work of fiction. Names,characters,places and incidents are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events,locales,or persons,living or dead,is coincidental.

# Sticky Note :

This was my first story I wrote and it was the second one that I uploaded here on Wattpad. Firstly, this story was written in the early September of 2011 and I had been working on it since then. I didn't expect myself to write one day and all of this came when I had lots of inspirations for the story. It was supposed to be a three short stories and I combined them together as one. Some of the places I had included in the story are not real, they are imaginary places. I love creating imaginary places and if I carried on writing other story of other characters in this book, I might consider using this places and maybe add more of it. This story was inspired by many things and songs too. Secondly, I like to say a big "THANK YOU" to my friend who wanted to be named as thegreenalien. She had inspired me and helped me figured out the name of the main character. [When he appeared in the story-you will know who he is :3 ] and also thanks my brother for encouraging me to continue writing. Lastly, thank you to you who took out some time reading this. I hope you will like the story as much as I enjoy writing it and I would like to hear your views, so feel free to comment. This will help me to improve my writing and I really love to. Sometime I will leave an author's note after a chapter, so look out for it. Once again, thank you (:



I present you , My Roller Coaster Life.


Life is like a Roller Coaster, there are ups and downs and it's never smooth. The little cart that drove it way through curves and twists of the circuit never let its excitement wear. Up to the top, catching some fresh air and look up at the sky, wondered how beautiful it could be. It's happened only a few minutes even seconds if we did not notice it. Through the little ride, it took everything away, it was like a comfort tool. The screams of excitement and fears filling up the atmosphere, laughter and joy added in the mist of fun. When the trip came to the end, flashes of memories came back showing every bit of it and the meaning of life. There's a smooth, enjoyable journey and the one with bumps and dangers. It's never perfect like us. So cherish every moment when you are breathing.

When I was younger, I used to wonder about many things. There are many living thing in this world, humans, animals, plants, there are so much to count. Each of us has our own story. We are the main character of the story and people who came in our lives are characters of the story too. So can you see the interception of each other life? Well...that's what I thought and every of our story are kept tight in a secret place.

There's always a mystery to discover and it will give us a mixture of emotions and feelings. Sometime we hope that life was a prefect, but everyone’s perfect picture is not the different, some meant by the wealth, luxury, others meant by happiness and joy. Some people hoped their love story could be like prince charming and princess. Some people were contented with a simple three meals they had and they cherish every bit while others seek for the best. There's so many difference but it's the same. We can't judge about things but we know what we had in life and we are grateful for every breath we had.

One thing we know for sure, live everyday like it's the last, cherish every moment before you realised it became the past, look forward and be happy for the unknown mystery you will discover. Someone might be struggling now to live but we can lend a hand to help with all we had, the concern that warmed one heart.

I am Regina, a typical girl who lives in a city. I had a family who love me, friends who cared for me. I mean there's no need to ask for more. But some time life is really mysterious and interesting, it went about with a twist and turn and mould into something new.

-Knock Knock-

"I'm coming." I replied.

Trust me don't give up, you will discover the precious moments in your life.

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