Act #25

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Act #25

"Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy." I sang along with the song out loud.

I almost forgot Wayne's presence until he started adding comments while I sang for every single line.

"And here's my number, so call me maybe."

"Hi maybe! I will call you later." He chuckled and I smacked him playfully, he has irritated me for the past thirty minutes.

'Where are we going? Where are we going?" I started to chant childishly.

"Hey, it should be 'why are we waiting?', and stop that it's annoying maybe."

I stuck out my tongue like a kid.

"Now I know why you was called as a kiddo." He laughed at me like I'm in a comedy.

We reached the destination Wayne was talking about. It was none other than a beach.

"Before you give me that insane look and the question 'why would you bring me here? It's a typical beach.'" He started as if he is a vampire who read my mind.

"Care to explain." I grinned, I'm sure there's a reason behind it.

"It's my favourite place and sometime I'm upset or troubled I will make a trip down here and leaving without a single worry. I thought you will feel better after visiting this 'typical' beach."

"Thank you." I hugged him before he started to continue.

We screamed out our unhappiness as if there was no one around the beach, I guess we were the source of noise pollution for the past three hours.

"I hope it help."

"It does." I smiled.

The journey back home was long and quiet, I thanked and say goodbye to Wayne.

Before I get off the truck Wayne asked me an unexpected question that never thought it will came out from his mouth.

"You like him, do you?"

I gave him a confused look.

"You know who I'm referring to, you don't have to give me the answer, keep it to yourself." He said before he left.

How did Wayne knew about my confusion? Maybe he is a vampire, actually no, something was not right with the atmosphere.

It took me ages to walk back home and when I almost bumped into a hard wall that I assumed, and fall backward as I tried to find my balance.

A huge hands held me before I make it face down on the marble flooring and the pair of electric blue eyes indicated who's it owner was.

Not again.

"Thanks." I quickly picked myself up and was trying to make my way to the bedroom when I realized I was held back by a grip.

"When will you stop avoiding me?" He spoke softly which was barely audible.

"I'm not avoiding." I replied in a stern voice.

Maybe Wayne was right, I do like Dylan, but why am I feeling this way? Especially when I saw Samantha and him together. Why am I avoiding and not believing?

"Yes I am, because I don't understand, first you told me that and the next second I saw you and Samantha together. Why should I believe it's a truth? You are the one who warned me to keep my distance away from her, but why are you being so close to her?" I asked as I stomped upstairs, I really don't understand what's going on with them and what got into my head.

"When the time comes, you will understand." He replied.

"I will never understand." I mumbled.

Grabbed my bag and off I go, heading to the campus recreation building with my iPod and I heard one of my favourites on replay, About You Now.

Maybe I'm wrong, you decide

Should've been strong, yeah, I lied

Nobody gets me like you

Maybe this weekend will help me think about it.

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