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Key for the Chapter:    (Y/N)= Your name      (Y/L/N)= Your last name   Thoughts will be italicized   Author's notes will be in bold  

Dipper laid wide awake in his dimly lit room, staring at the good-bye letter signed by all of Gravity Falls.

                          ~see you next summer~

  Such a simple sentence, yet this was what he was thinking about all eighth grade, this was the thing that kept him from sleeping at night. Dipper dragged himself sluggishly out of bed and tip-toed through his room, he knocked at the door right next to his.

    "Mabel? Are you still up?" He tapped gently at her door, not wanting to wake her. "Yeah, come in." Mabel whispered back to him.

    Dipper walked into her room and shut the door behind him, clothes were all over her room in messy piles, she and Waddles laid on her bed as she read a Sev'ral Timez magazine.

     "Need any help packing?" He asked while hopping over the maze of sweaters. Mabel tossed the magazine onto her bedside table and shook her head no, her gaze fell upon the letter he was still clutching onto.

     "Dipper, you're going to see them in two days, put the letter down and just relax. We'll be able to see all of our friends then, maybe even some new people." Mabel pat the empty space next to her, signaling for him to sit down.

     He did as he was told and sighed heavly, "Mabel I'm just a bit nervous because we are all a year older and-" Mabel cut him off quickly. "But they are still our friends and they wouldn't trade us for the world. Now go to bed...please."

    Dipper folded up and set the letter on top of her discarded magazine, he pulled her sleeping bag out of the closet and unrolled it on her floor. Mabel peeked over the edge of her bed to see Dipper making himself comfy on her floor. 

    "Hey, you're going to need some practice for all of those sleep overs you, Candy and Grenda are going to have." Mabel laughed at his sweetness, switched the light off and pulled the covers over her body. "Good night Dipping Sauce." Mabel called into the darkness. "Good night Mabel." He called back to her.

            ○The Next Morning At Gravity Falls○

     Candy neatly packed all of her clothes, books and posters into her suitcase and lugged it down the stairs. 

    "Thank you for being my foster parent for a while Mrs. Natori, but I think I am ready for you to drive me back to the foster home now." Candy adjusted the glasses on her face while talking to the tall caramel skinned lady. 

    "Candy why? I tried very hard to make you feel at home and you just want to leave?! After everything I've done for you?! After all of the sacrifices I've made?!" Candy shifted uncomfortably beneath the hard stare of her foster mother. Mrs. Natori raised her hand to fix her already perfect hair, Candy flinched out of a newly acquired reflex. 

   Candy was met with unusual kindness. "You know what, I'm sorry for acting this way. Candy I understand if you want to leave, I shouldn't be arguing with a twelve year old about what she wants to do. Hop in the car and I'll be right there." Candy turned to leave but Ms. Natori pulled her back and engulfed her into a hug, Candy froze. The only times Mrs. Natori would pull her close was to whisper threats into her ear. The tall woman felt her foster daughter's discomfort and let her go.

    Candy basically flew out of the door, she couldn't wait to leave the life with her mean, bipolar foster mother and her constant mood swings or unwanted emotions.

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