Greasy's Diner

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A/N: I'm still trying to work out how Soos would speak so I'm sorry if it's not in character, and as of right now, the readers parents don't really have personalities. (Again, sorry) I also had to change some of the symbols because I don't have them on my laptop.

¤Gravity Falls, Mystery Shack 10:30 A.M.¤

>Soos's P.O.V.<

"Abuelita! Abuelita!"

Soos barged into the room where his grandmother was sleeping soundly. Her eyelids fluttered open, she turned her head towards the doorway and reached out a frail hand. Soon cautiously walked to the side of her bed, he knelt down and clasped his warm hands around hers.

"I'm so sorry Abuelita, if I had known you were asleep I wouldn't have come in here like that. But those tourists stayed way longer than I had expected, I just tried to get back to you as soon as possible." Soos's grandmother shook her head and chuckled to herself, "Oh mijo, running the Mystery Shack is your job now. I'm the one that should be apologizing to you."

Soos traced circles on the back of her hand with his thumb, "Managing the Mystery Shack is like my part time job, but taking care of you is my number one priority. I love you Abuelita." He stood and gently kissed her on the cheek. "I love you too, Soos."

He took a step back from the bed and let out a sad sigh," Abuelita I have to leave for the train station in ten minutes," His voice wavered towards the end, "I need to pick up my friends, Dipper and Mabel, they'll be waiting for me soon."

Quick A/N: I know they went to the bus stop before but there are different means of getting to Gravity Falls so they took a train this time.

Soos waited for his grandmother's response but she just stayed quiet. She then removed the quilt she was wrapped up in and propped herself up, "Are they good friends Soos?" He smiled and thought back to the amazing memories they brought last summer, "Two of the greatest... " She nodded with a tiny smile on her face and swung her legs over the side of the bed, "If two great friends return I must prepare a meal, it's the least I can do for you Soos." He held her up carefully by the arm, preventing her from falling and looked at her, his face full of concern.

"Abuelita are you sure you wanna stay up and cook? Why don't you just lay back down and get some rest, you'll definitely need it when the twins come back, they are going to be so excited!" She continued to walk to the kitchen, Soos trailed cautiously behind her. "I'm guessing that you're gonna stay up anyways. So imma call Melody over to help you out, she came back to Gravity Falls last week." Once they reached the kitchen Abuelita spun Soos around and pointed him to his bedroom door, "Soos, go and get ready or else you'll be late."

After he was completely ready he grabbed the keys for his truck and headed towards the back door. Soos shouted over the clanging of pots in the kitchen, "I'm heading out now Abuelita! Melody is on her way, if you need anything the house phone is in the living room, and anyone important has their numbers on the-" She cut him off abruptly just to get him to leave. "I'll be fine mijo, just go now."

○Two hour later○

¤Gravity Falls, Daordriew Drive 12:45 P.M.¤

(pronounced: day-or-drew)

》Your P.O.V.《

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2018 ⏰

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