I'm a kid!?

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Whis is standing with his staff looking down at me. I know his tall and all but i never thought he's this big!? He smiled kindly as he crouch down to his knee to my eye level.

Am i that small?!

"Well?" he ask again to knock my daze.

"Um......I'm not sure how.... But I'm really sorry." i shyly said to him as i shuffle my foot on the grassy ground.

"For what, my dear?" Whis tilt his head to side still smiling.

"For being here. I really wish I didn't want to disturb you and i really want to leave here but i don't know how to get home. Can you help me get back home?" i ask him hoping he would help.

"I suppose i could but i never get visitors around in this planet. Why don't we come inside and have a drink, you can tell me how you got here in the first place. Okay?"

Well, i don't blame him for being lonely since Beerus always sleep for nearly 50 Years. But i don't know why he's so big and talk to me like I'm a kid or something. I'm like 14. Then again he is god knows how old he is.

He stood up and gestured his big blue hand for me to hold. I don't know why but it made me feel like i want to hold it. I raise my tiny hand toward his huge slender finger......

Tiny hands!? I look at my hand to see how small it is. Is that's the reason why Whis is so big and I'm so small? I'm in a body of an 8 or 9 year old version of me!

Whats happen to me?! I even look at myself as in wearing nothing but dark blue jeans and black polo T-shirt.  My shoes unexpectedly black, white, and pink Sketcher. Okay..... This is too weird already (please wake me up!).

I check my front pocket in case i bring something. I felt nothing except my new Samsung S7 edge smartphone. But the sad part is i don't have a charger 😢.

Well... Is better than nothing. I look back at Whis who's still waiting for me to hold his blue hand. I took it with my tiny hand. We started walking together towards the huge tree house (Hehe 'treehouse').

"It's unusual for a human child like you to be in Beerus-sama planets. What's is your name, sweetie? " Whis ask while walking.

"My name is Salena. But most of my friends called me Salem." i answered feeling a little nervous since he's one of my favourite character.

"Salem, huh. Interesting name from an ordinary girl." Whis sounded like he's giving me a compliment. I don't know whether i want to wake up from this weird dream or enjoyed it while it last.

"Um... Thanks, i guess."

We finally reach the Palace and its still a long way to go. Seriously, how in the world these two live in such a huge space! But then again it is a bit magical seeing all the rooms and furnitures. Whis led me into somesort of dining room from one of the episode 3 the part where he talk to the oracle fish. Then again i haven't met him yet which makes me wonder where is that fish.

"I will make some drinks, please wait for a moment."

He left the room leaving me alone. I took my Samsung phone to see its 9.04 am. I'm not sure whether the time is in my home world or this dragon ball world. Luckily it full battery but i have to save it for the right moment. And the best part is i can still surf the internet even though it didn't show any wifi or my phone credit! Yay 🙌!

I check to see if my friends or my parents message me or any miss call. So far none of them didn't. Maybe my friends gone to school or my parents too busy to work which i don't blame them. I respected them since they work too hard just for me since I'm the only daughter.

"Here you go, i hope it is to your liking." Whis came back with a tray carries two drink and serve one for me.

I look at the strange liquid inside a mug. Contain with purple liquid with many small blue balls that i have no idea what this is. But the better question is it safe for a human like me to drink?

"Do not worry, sweetie. It's not poisonous if that's what your thinking. But it does ease your mind from whatever your thinking." Whis reassured me just to calm me down but he didn't get it.

"Um......Whis.... I have to tell you something." i look at him with a calm look.

"What is it.... Wait... How did you know my name? Then again i forgot how to introduce myself." Whis look at me after he took a first sip from his drink.

Well, this is it. I have to tell about myself and how i know all this. I took a deep breath and exhale. Then i look at him calmly.

"Where do i start.... "

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