Earth we shall go

773 17 45

Ring Ring

My alarm clock from my Samsung phone woke me up as i tried to get ready. Since yesterday talking with Beerus and how i make a deal, i can hardly believe that would happen to me including me being a small kid. At least the bed where i'm sleeping just now is really comfy especially when its huge for my small body.

I jump down the big bed and take a bath now. Okay....i 'tried' when 

1. the towel is hanging over my height.

2. the shower knob is ALSO too high to reach.

3. i have not much clothes to wear except my jeans and t-shirt.

Well....... maybe asking Whis for help might make it better. I went out of my bedroom to find Whis. I walk and walk and walk.......

1 minute later

OH MY GOD!!! I'm lost!! How does this happen!? I don't freaking care how many left or right i took, every hallway is a freaking same! 

"Hello!? Whis!? Beerus!?........ Help......" 

I waited until Whis just teleport from where i took.

"Salem, what are you doing here? You should have breakfast with us." Whis look down at my tiny form that makes a pouty face.

"I tried but i can't find my way in this tree house. And the worse part, i can't take a bath since i'm too short to reach the like.....anything! Can you help me, Whis. Please..." 

"Ho ho ho ho. Of course, Salem. Let's go before Beerus- sama get upset for leaving him alone." Whis holding my small hand as he lead me back to my bedroom.

After many problems fix later 

Not only i manage to bath properly, i also get a new cloths currency from Whis himself. Although he did try to make me wear a dress but....... let's just say it's not my style. Especially bright colors..... all i wear is similar from what i'm wearing except my shirt is blue with a picture of a diamond and a black jeans. At least i have the same shoes.

I open my room door and called Whis because i don't want to get lost again. In on second Whis appeared from no where and guide me to where Beerus at. I look around while Whis lead me hoping to memorize where i'm going until we're in the room where Beerus in his bathing robe eating breakfast.

"What took you so long?" Beerus complained while stuffing his food in his mouth.

"My apologies, Beerus-sama. Salem-chan just got lost while trying to find her way here." Whis told him while putting both arms behind his back.

Beerus laugh at this making the poor human girl blush embarrassment. Whis lead her to her chair where her food is ready. Unfortunately once again, Salem has trouble 'climbing' on the chair since she has her child body. This makes Beerus laugh at her once more. Even Whis giggled at her childish misfortune nevertheless he help her get on her seat. Salem thank him and looking her food.

The food......... oh boy.

The food looks like it made from exotic animal or alien like creature that serve on the platter. She took a tiny bite and when she taste it, 




She nearly want to vomit but swallow none the less. Then when she test the drink, 

it's weird.

But better than the food. She ate as calm as she can since she hasn't eat when she got here. It wasn't long when she overheard Beerus chatting with Whis about Super Saiyan God.

"I'm telling you, the dream are real! It must be a fate!" Beerus claim while waving his fork before taking a bite.

"I still can't believe this, Beerus-sama. Last time you dream an Idol moving at our planet but it wasn't real after all." Whis sigh at his God complain.

Beerus wince from Whis remark then he eye on Salem. This make the girl felt nervous but kept her poker face on the food.

"Salem. What do you think of my dream? Is it a prophecy or just a dream?" Beerus look at the small girl as if he is a predator expecting a 'good' answer.

Well, she has to tell this truth once.

"Actually is more like a vision. If you get this type of vision more than once, it will likely come true." she answered truthfully. It is logic to have like that just seldom.

Beerus seem to please with her answer. He place his paw below his chin trying to think about all this. Whis just continued doing whatever he do, cutting the alien meat or pick up his plate. Salem however want to help Whis since she eat less than usual, and she pick up her own plate while washing it herself. No matter how small (and cute) she is, she still want to be a good host.

Beerus gone dressing himself saying it's time to judge one planet whether to destroy or not destroy. After they left, Salem is home alone. The entire hours, she'd been fumbling her Samsung phone to see if anyone message or call her while she was gone. So far, none of them did. She sigh as she lay on one of the weird shape couch somewhere in the living room.

Now, she doesn't know what to do. All she knows is that she's stuck in this Dragon Ball world with no super power's to defend herself. Plus, she turn into a chibi instead. So not lucky.......


She get up so quickly after hearing that laser sound coming from outside then somewhere in this tree house! What was that?! An intruder? Please not an intruder.

"Salem! Are you here?"

That voice! It's Whis! She sigh in relieved knowing she's just paranoid. Felt rather silly herself.

"Coming Whis!" she called back as she ran where the blue alien voice is.

She ran until she found Beerus and Whis waiting outside.

"Yes." Salem look at them curious.

"We're going to find the Super Saiyan God. Whis told me that most Saiyan are now resident on Planet Earth. Since your a human, you should come with us just to show how earth's creature do." Beerus ordered Salem so that he could keep his reputation as the God of Destruction.

Going to Earth? Oh! This must be where he will meet Bulma and the other's at her birthday party! But which one was it? The boat or her backyard? Whelp, only one way to find out.

"Okay." she answer as she walk toward them both.

Since she is tiny, Beerus have no choice but to carry her like a sack of potato. Before Salem can protest while blushing embarrass, Whis manage to use his staff to travel all of them in light speed.

  Hi ! Sorry for not updating that long. Really sorry.....

I was so busy between my studies and mostly my parents.

They make my life worst until i don't have hope to continue my passion on writing my fanfic  ;<

However, i manage to do this chapter and not sure how long will i updated next one.

All i can say might be long time. Anyhow, thank you for voting this fanfic and have a wonderful day!

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