You Begin To Miss Him

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"Hey mom" you say taking to your mom on the phone

"Hey darling." She says as she can spence your mood "what's wrong"

"I'm just missing Liam" you say

"I know baby. Call him and tell him how you are feeling. " She says

"Okay bye mom" you say hanging up the phone to call Liam

"Hey (Y/N), what's up" Liam says

"Nothing I just missed you and needed to hear your voice." You say happier to hear him

"Well we have finished the majority of our tour so we can come home next week" he says making your day

"Yay!" you scream as there is a knock on the door

"Open it " he says rendering to the door

"Liam you got me my favorite flowers." You say thanking him

"I couldn't resist." He says


"Baby don't cry. I'll be home before you know it." Louis says through the video chat

"I know I just miss you so much."you say

"I know I miss you and the baby so much to. " He says sighing

"When r u coming home " you ask

"Next week, until then you can use one of my t shirts to cuddle with." He says making you laugh

"And that's why I love you" you say ending the video chat


"Niall" you say on the verge of tears

"Shhh baby don't cry" he says trying to comfort you through the phone. It was 2 and you couldn't sleep so you called Niall

" They keep kicking and they won't let me sleep. " You say making Niall sigh

"Okay baby calm down. Remember what your mom said to do when this happens. Lay down calm your heart rate down and try to relax." He says as you do as he told you

"Okay thanks Ni." You say


( Again making a whole book about this part)


You put on one of Zayn's shirts as the letter instructed. You felt closer to him when you wore his shirts. You couldn't sleep still because the baby kept kicking really hard. You decided to call Zayn. He calmed you down and sang to you until the baby and you both went to sleep.

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