First Ultrasound

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"Welcome Mrs and Mr Payne. So I hear you are here to take a look at the baby." The nurse says as she walks in the door

"Ya. Is it possible to find out the gender this early" Liam asks

"Ya actually if might me." The nurse says getting everything ready for the ultrasound

"This might be cold. " The nurse says as she squeezes the gel on to your abs that were clearly there

"Yup it is. " You say laughing and wiggling at the coldness of the gel making Liam laugh

"Um it looks like your baby is a-------


"Okay so here is your baby's head and this is the baby's body." The doctor says as he points to your baby's body

"Aww" Louis says as he squeezes your hand

"That's our baby" you say looking at Louis

"It looks small now but in a few weeks you'll start showing and it will be easier to See the baby. " The doctor says as she turns the machine off and handing you a wipe to wipe off your stomach

he hands you a paper that has your baby's gender on it.

"Louis we're having a-------


"Your baby is right there and there seems to be another baby right there" he says pointing at the screen

"Twins" Niall says with a shocked look on his face

"Twins" you say back to him with the same look on his face

Your babies are -----


It was the first time you were gonna see the baby. Harry couldn't make it to the ultrasound because he was busy getting the album to perfection. As Carmen (the chick you were getting the baby from) sat on the table Harry ran in.

"Sorry I'm late. The boys and I were putting the last touched on our album." Harry says as he goes and walks over to you and grabs your hand

"It's okay baby" you whisper in his ear while you kiss his cheek

"Okay here is the baby's body and there is the head" the doctor says pointing to the screen

"It's so small" you say as you trace every inch of that small figure on the screen

"Ya It will be for a while. Well when you start showing you will be able to get a better image of the baby" she says to Cameron and you

"Actually we can find out the gender now, if you would like!" the doctor says. It looks like the baby is a----


"No Zayn we aren't gonna find out today what the baby is" you say rubbing your still flat stomach. Even though you wanted to know that baby's gender desperately.

"Okay fine baby!" he says back knowing he would get his was eventually

"(Y/N) Mailk the doctor is ready for you." The nurse says as you walk back to the office holding hands with Zayn.

The doctor puts the gel on your stomach making you jump and making Zayn laugh slightly

"Okay here is the baby and it looks like it's a---

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