While he is away

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You were okay with him going until the day came that he had to go. You hid the tears until he left. After he was gone you called your best friend which happens to be Louis' wife and was also pregnant. You two had a lazy day and did nothing but sat on the couch watched romance movies and ate junk food.


You were a total wreck without Louis. You didn't feel like doing anything but you got up and went shopping for baby stuff with your mom. You told her how you felt and it just so happen that you dad was an old school rock star so she knew how you felt.


While he was away you tried to keep yourself busy. You went out and watched several movies with your friends. You videochatted Niall at least 3 times a day. You constantly texted. What felt like years you realized it had only been 1 week since he had left.


( for the seventh billion time I'm writing a book about Harry and you)
It's coming out soon


Zayn left you with a note and that was all. You felt like you deserved more of an explanation. You ignored his video chats and all of his calls. Which had to at least 30 calls in the past 2 hours. He got worried and called his mom to come and check on you. She rushed in your house to check on you and you told her what happened and you just needed some time to process this. After she left and you had some time to think about this you finally accepted Zayn's video chat.

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