Chapter 7

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Romeo's Pov
"Do tell" I heard someone behind me say. "Sorry can't, it's not my story to tell" I replied turning to see Wendy. "How did you get backstage?" I asked. "With good old intimidation and threats" Wendy answered putting on a cowboy accent. We stared at her blankly. "We have backstage passes" Chelia explained. "Oh, Ok" we all nodded. "Who are they?" Killua asked walking with Yoshio. "This is Chelia a huge fan and stalker and Wendy" I introduced. Wendy gave a small wave as Chelia fainted. "Cool, I'm Killua and this one who's eating a burger is Yoshio" he introduced. "Boys it's time to go!" Laxus growled. "Can they come with?" Eve asked. "Not unless they have a cure for your voice" Laxus spat. Laxus is quite mean but we know he loves us. "Yeah acctually I do have a remedy for his lost voice" Wendy spoke. "Oh really?" Laxus said. "Yeah and I guarantee you that hus voice will be back within 5 hours" she smiled. "Fine they can come" he sighed walking out. We followed "Why is he so grumpy?" Wendy asked. "I don't know I think it's just his nature but he can be nice sometimes" I answered with a smile. "Oh don't forget about Lucy's party on Saturday you have to be there" she reminded. "Yeah, yeah I won't" I replied. She smiled. Then as we got up to the limo Laxus stopped us. "Your all walking" he said. "WHAT!!???" We yelled. "Why?" I asked. "Cuz I don't want you stinking ip my limo with your kiddy smell" he answered. "But Eve's sick" Yoshio argued. "Your right, Eve..... You can come in but everyone else is walking" he said. "But-" Eve was cut off. "Unless you wanna walk with them" Laxus gave out a scary ora. "No sir" you could hardly hear what he was saying. He got into the limo and they drove off. We were all flabbergasted. "B-b-but... Uh. What!?" Yoshio was speechless. "AAAHHHHH...... He did it again" Killua yelled. "I really hate that guy" I mumbled. "What do you mean?" Wendy asked. "Oh, this isn't the first time he told us to walk to his place. Once we were lucky and bumped into his wife and she gave is a lift there" Killua answered. "He's so mean" Chelia stated. "Well there's no point in just standing here and complaining" I said and began walking. "It's better we take the alley ways it'll be faster" Yoshio suggested. "Your right but it's dangerous and we have two girls with us" Killua whispered the last part. "But we've walked through the alley ways tons of times" Yoshio argued. He was quite impatient. "We can take care of ourselves" Wendy piped. "We can?" Chelia asked. "Of course we can" Wendy elbowed her. I chuckled, "Guess we're going through the alley" I said. We walked in through the alley. It was dark and damp and maybe even too quiet. "Hey would you girls speed up your gonna get lost if you keep going at that pace" Yoshio said quite harshly. Wendy looked quite offended. "Who do you think you are talking to me like that?" she asked getting all up in his face. "I think you should back up a bit" Killua smiled getting between them. Wendy backed down but still glared at Yoshio. "Romeo you should really control your girlfriend" Yoshio commented. Wendy was just about to say something when I cut her off. "C'mon it's getting dark" I said and grabbed Wendy's hand. "Are you gonna let him speak to me like that?" she asked me. "I'll talk to him later" I answered. She nodded but didnt look satisfied. "So you two are dating" Chelia squealed. "No" we both said in sync. "Then what Romeo said was a lie?" she asked. "Yep" we both nodded. "Guys we've got company" Killua stated. We looked to see we were surrounded by 10 men a majority of them had metal pipes and rods while grinning evily. "Oh dear" Wendy murmured. "Why did we have to take the alleyways" Chelia whined. "Yeah who's stupid idea was that" Yoshio said. We all glared at him.
Hope you enjoyed the chapter I'm gonna try and update my other books too so stay tuned.

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