Chapter 9

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Chelia's Pov
We walked into this huge mansion with maids greeting us on our way in. "Good evening miss" a maid greeted bowing. "Good evening to you too" Wendy and I bowed back. "Don't bow back!" Killua scoffed. "Sorry we ain't no rich snob like you" Wendy spat. "Romeo, you better tell your girlfriend to shut up before I cut off her tongue" Killua growled. "Can't right now too busy thinking if the many ways I'm gonna kill Laxus" Romeo cracked his knuckles with an evil smirk on his face. We walked until we reached two double doors in which Mrs Dreyar opened for us. "Laxus Dreyar prepare yourself!!" the boys yelled charging into the room. Laxus was sitting on the couch taking a nap that was rudely interrupted by the boys, and the fight began. "Is that the real life Mona Lisa" I squealed pointing at a massive painting of Lisa Gherardini. "Chelia that painting is way too big to be the Mona Lisa and also the the real Mona Lisa wasn't painted with paint but with oil and I'm pretty sure the real picture is still in The Louvre" Wendy spoke. "Wow! You now alot about art don't you" Mrs Dreyar smiled. Wendy just nervously laughed. "Well my brother is a very good artist and is always drawing and I'm usually around him" Wendy explained. "Who's your brother?" Mrs Dreyar asked. "Jellal M. Fernandes" she answered. "Jelly is your brother!" Mrs Strauss shrieked. "I'm guessing you know him" I said. "Yeah he's the guy that's courting one of my friends, to be honest he's a real hottie" Mrs Dreyar smirked. Then our conversation was interrupted by Laxus throwing Romeo and he hit Wendy and they both crashed into the wall.

Wendy's Pov
"Oooouuuucccchhyyyy!!" I groaned. "Sorry Wendy" Romeo apologised. "It's ok" I said dizzily. "Are you alright?" he asked. "Yeah it's just that the room is spinning really fast" I felt like puking. "Let me help you up" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me up. "Thanks" I smiled. "No problem" he smiled back. "Rowen" I heard someone whisper. "Huh?! Did you say something?" I asked Chelia. She shook her head no. 'Oh then I must be hearing things' I thought. "I really don't see why you're so angry, like this isn't the first time I made you walk" Laxus said while rolling his eyes. "Well we were attacked and nearly killed!!" Chelia yelled. "So.......??" Laxus questioned. "Laxus apologise to these adorable children this instance!" Mrs Dreyar ordered. "Eh.. Mrs Dreyar, that isn't necessary" I stuttered. "Please call me Mira and yes it is necessary" she glared at her husband and he returned the look. "Fine, sorry" he muttered. The boys gave eachother a look and began bursting out laughing. Then I finally remembered why I was even here. "Oh yeah, where's Eve?" I asked. "He's in the kitchen getting a glass of water" Laxus replied pointing at a door beside a painting similar to The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gough. I walked into the kitchen through the surprisingly heavy wooden door. I closed the door after I entered and saw Eve sitting at the island asleep.(For those of you who don't know what an island is its a long counter mostly in the middle of the kitchen with stools or chairs)
I smiled and walked over to the kettle and felt it to see it was recently used and the water inside should be warm. I poured the water in the cup then looked for the salt. "Salt... Where could it be? Ah there!" I said and walked over to a high to reach shelf. I reached up but couldn't get it. "Come on" I tried to encourage myself to reach further but instead another hand grabbed it. I turned around to see Eve, he smiled at me. "I hate my height" I mumbled then sighed. "Your cute" Eve mouthed then handed the salt to me. I walked over to the warm water and put half a teaspoon in it. 'I'm cute?' i thought.  I almost dropped the salt when I figured out what he just said. My face turned beat red. I walked back over to the shelf and attempted to put the salt back but Eve ended up helping me and also
got me my secret ingredient that I found on the same shelf. When I finished making the medicine I handed it to him. "Thanks" he mouthed I smiled din return. He drank it in one gulp. "Disgusting" he said as his voice was back to normal. "But it worked didn't it" I said. "Oh my God!!! It did thanks Wendy" he hugged me. "Your welcome" I replied returning the hug. Our hug was interrupted by my phone dinging. It was a text from Jellal.
(Wendy, Jellal)

Come home now!


Cuz I need to go somewhere and mom's working late so you need to take care of the house.

Fine I'll be there in a few

I put my phone away then faced Eve "I've gotta go now I guess I'll see you later" I said.  "Bye" he waved. I left the kitchen and headed for the front door. "Hey where are you going??" Romeo asked. "Home" I answered. "Alone??" he asked. "I guess" I answered.

"I'll come with you"

"Nah its OK I'll be fine"

"What if someone tries to kidnap you"

"I'll fight 'em"

"And if you lose?"

"I call for yo- I mean I'll run away"

"I see" Romeo smirked then began chuckling. "What's so funny?" I asked blushing. "Nothing. I'll come with you" he said. "No" I said. "Will you both just leave we're trying to watch a movie here!!" Killua yelled. "Let's go" Romeo smiled walking out the door. "I still haven't agreed to this" I said following him. We walked in silence most of it then began talking about stuff that happened. "Ok this is far enough" I said stopping him. "I can walk the rest by myself" I stated. "Are you sure?" "Yeah I'm sure" I smiled. "See ya!" I waved as I ran in the direction of my house. Once I got into the house I shut the door and sighed. "Jelly Bean where are you?" I called out to my brother. There was no reply so I looked around for him I walked into his room to find a note on the desk.

You were taking forever so I left. I'll be back soon don't snitch on me and make sure you lock all the doors and windows.

"Idiot" I sighed then threw the note away. 'its not like dad would come here are this time' i thought. I walked down the stairs and as I was about to walk into the living room I heard a loud knock on the door. 'please don't be him!" I repeated in my head. I waited a while and there was another loud knock. "Who is it??" I yelled.

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