Chapter 12

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Wendy's POV
"It hurts!!" I screamed. "Wendy, relax" the teacher said, "Your not gonna die" Chelia finished. "Are you blind??!! I'm bleeding like there's no tomorrow and it's all her fault!!" I yelled pointing at Lake. She just stuck her tongue out at me. "Oh I'm gonna kill that bitch" I mummered trying to get up but only to fall again. "Ok on a scale of 1-10 how much pain are you feeling right now." "Physically or Mentally?" I asked cheekily. "Both" the teacher spat. "Then maybe I don't know.. maybe.. 1 thousand!!" I yelled. Once I yelled that the boys stopped playing their stupid rugby match and jogged over. "Wow, Wendy what happened to you?" Romeo asked worriedly kneeling  down beside me. "So I was swinging on the bar   and she just happened to be standing where I was gonna land holding a pickle jar" I glared at Lake. "So when I jumped off the bar and realised she was there I panicked, she dropped the pickle jar which shattered and I landed on a piece of glass" I finished. "The worst part is that she won't even apologize" Chelia said. "Romeo could you please bring Wendy to the nurses office while I deal with Lake" The teacher sighed. Romeo nodded and turned around so his back faced me. "Get on" he said. "Wait what!!??" I asked blushing. He just rolled his eyes, grabbed my arms and put it around his neck. He then stood up lifting me up with him the held me up putting his hands under my thighs. "Romeo" I squeaked. "Why are you so red?" He asked walking out of the P.E hall. "I'm not" I denied burying my face in his shoulder. He smelled so nice. "Wendy?" He asked. "Hmm" I hummed.  "Ah, never mind" he said.

After about ten minutes of silence they finally made it to the nurses office. "Hello, Mrs Aries" Romeo knocked on the door but there was no answer he opened the door and the room was empty. "Guess I'll have to heal you" he sighed. "Do you even know how" I asked. "Not a clue" he shrugged and dropped me down on the bed. "What do I do first" he smirked his face inches away from mine. "Clean the blood of the wound" I answered and he got a cloth and cleaned all he blood off it. "What now?" He asked. "The disinfectant spray" I said, he nodded and got it from the cabinet. "Give me your leg" he said. “Actually I don't think the disinfectant spray is necessary" I gulped remembering how much it hurts.  "Wendy, give me your leg" he demanded. "No" I said crawling further onto the bed. "Get back here!" He yelled chasing after me. "No!" I cried. But sooner or later he pinned me down on to the bed. "Let me go" I struggled under his grip. "I need to disinfect it" he said. I stopped struggling when I figured put it was useless. "Wendy.." he mumbled. I looked up to him to see that his face was only centimetres away from mine. I couldn't help but lean in. His lips were so warm and taste like chocolate. He broke the kiss after a few minutes and sat up still on top of me. "What's wrong?" I asked. "It's nothing" he answered looking away. "You know you can tell me anything" I said making him face me. My hands cupped his cheeks and he blushed. "OK, do you know John?" he asked. "You mean Mr Condon" I corrected. "Yeah whatever, well just the other day I heard him talking to himself saying that 'all I have to do now is get rid of the brats and everything will be perfect'" he said, imitating Mr Condon which made me giggle. "How about we find out what he's planning and then stop him in his tracks" I smiled. "I've always wanted to be a detective" I smirked. He smiled and it was adorable. Then I had a brilliant idea. "Romeo I will let you disinfect my foot if you kiss me" I lied, I just wanted to get him close enough for me to grab the spray and throw it out the window.

"OK" he answered, "Close your eyes". I did as told but I didn't expect what happened next. He sprayed my foot and it hurt so much. "Aaahh!!!" I screamed. "Do you really think I'd fall for that trick" he laughed getting the bandages as I clutched my leg in pain. "I hate you, Conbolt!!" "Love you too Marvell" he winked. He bandaged up my leg then climbed on top of me on the bed. "What do you want Romeo" I spat. "Awww, are you angry at me" he cooed. I began fake crying "You hurt me!" I cried.  "Hey you don't need to cry. I'm sorry" he panicked. I laughed at his reaction. "Your too easy" I laughed. He took this chance to kiss me. "Errrmm... Excuse me?" I heard a voice say so I pushed Romeo away and he ended up on the floor. "Sorry to interrupt but school is over" Mrs Aries spoke quietly. "How long have we been here?" I asked. "2 hours" Romeo answered. "Then we should have about 5 classes left" I frowned. "Do you wanna make out with me that bad?" Romeo snickered. "Shut up!!" I yelled blushing which only made him laugh. "School ended early I was sent to inform everyone who might not have heard the announcement or the stampede of kids running and cheering down the hallway" she said. "OK then Romeo carry me home" I said and he nodded getting up and carrying him up on his back. "Bye Mrs Aries" We said before he ran our the. "Your really light you know" he said. "Thanks" I thanked. "So what are we?" I asked. "What do you mean?" he questioned "Are we.. You know.. Dating?"  I asked. He was silent for a few. "Well sure if you wanna be my girlfriend" he said. "Yes!" I beamed. He brought me to his house. "I thought you were taking me home" I said confused. "Yeah but I wanna have a little fun with you first, since you can't run away" he said with an evil smirk on his face.

"Romeo!!" I cried. "Say you love me" he laughed tickling me. "Hahahahaha... Fine. I love you, I love you" I said in between laughs. "That's my girl" he smirked and stopped tickling me. I smiled at him. "How does your foot feel?" he asked. "Good but stings a little" I answered. "You hungry?" he asked. "Yeah I'm actually craving a pizza right now with a side of garlic bread" I said. "I guess I'll order some" he smiled dialing the number on his phone. "Could you do it in a British accent" I asked. "Why not" he laughed. "I wish this day would never end" I mumbled.

Thank you sooooooo much for reading and sorry for not updating hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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