Chapter 15

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Romeo Pov
I sat there for 15 mins waiting for her to answer. "So are you going to tell me?" I asked. "A-a-are you sure you want to know?" She stuttered. "Yeah, of course I do" I smiled. She sighed "fine but promise me you won't do anything rash". "Yeah, I promise" I said.

Wendy's Pov
"Ok, so this is what happened...."

I walked up to his desk and stood there waiting for him to speak. "So, Wendy your close friends with Eve aren't you?" He asked and I nodded. "And Eve is best friends with Romeo right?" I nodded again. "So does that mean that-" before he could finish his sentence I cut him off . "Sir could you please just get to the point" I said. He got up off his chair and made his way to the window. "Tell me do you have any siblings" he said. 'Why is he asking me all these questions?' I thought. "Yeah a brother why?" I asked. "Oh just curious" . The room went silent. I glanced over to his desk and spotted something that looked out of place. It was a half opened tin of sardines. I let my curiously get the best of me and opened the tin. "What is this?" I accidentally said out loud which caused Mr Condon to turn around. He quickly rushed to his desk and grabbed the tin out of my hand. "What do you think your doing?" He growled at me. "I.. I... I" I didn't know what to say I was too shocked from what I saw. He marched towards me and I backed away. He grabbed my arm tightly. "If you speak a word of this to anyone, I will kill you" he whispered in my ear. I was too scared to move or speak. "You're dismissed" he smirked. I quickly walked out of the room holding my arm. "Hey are you OK?" Chelia asked. "Yeah just feeling a little queasy" I  answered.

Flashback ended

Romeo's Pov
"So he said that he would kill you huh?" I asked angrily. "Romeo you promised you wouldn't do anything rash" she said holding my hand. "Yeah yeah. I've got only one question. What was in the tin?" I asked with a serious face. "Drugs" she answered. "Illegal drugs" she said. My eyes widened "Is he?". She nodded "He's selling them to students in the school" she said. "We need to tell someone" I said getting up. She stopped me by grabbing my arm. I looked at her to see her eyes watering. "I'm scared" she muttered, it was so quiet I almost didn't hear her. I smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry everything's gonna be ok" I said patting her head "I'll protect you". I could feel her smile after I said that. I led her back inside. "What took you guys so long?!" Chelia exclaimed. "Oh just talking" Wendy smiled. "Well What should we do now?" Eve asked.

"What Time is it?" Wendy asked. Eve looked at his diamond in crested watch and said "8pm". Her eyes widened "I was supposed to be home an hour ago" she said. "Uh oh" Chelia gasped "Well, it was nice knowing you Wendy" Chelia hugged Wendy. "Wait what's going on??" I asked confused. "Have you ever heard of the name Jellal Fernandes?" Chelia asked. I shook my head. "Oh wait isn't he your older brother" Eve spoke. Wendy nodded. "He is also one of the strongest and baddest kids in Fairy Tail High. He gets super worried and angry when he can't find Wendy" Chelia explained. "He's probably gonna make me clean Natsu's room or worse the basement" Wendy shivered. "What if you just sneak in?" I asked. "That's not a bad idea" she nodded. "Then let's go" we all left for Wendy's place.

###Time skip~~~

"What did you just say??" Wendy asked me. "It's simple. Just climb up that tree grab on to that vine swing over to your window open it and your in" I smiled. "Your crazy" she said. "It's easier than you think" I said. "How do you sneak into your room?" She asked me. "I climb up the vines on my neighbors house jump onto a tree climb a bit higher do a backflip on to the ledge of my moms window pull myself up onto the roof and walk down the stairs into my room, piece of cake" I smile brightly. "Your boyfriend isn't human" I heard Chelia and Eve whisper in unison. "He's definitely some kind of alien" Wendy whispered back. "I can hear you I'm right here" I said. "Anyway I'd rather get caught by my brother than die falling out of a tree trying to sneak into my own house" she smiled. "Alright suit yourself" I said giving her a quick peck on the lips. "See ya tomorrow" I waved goodbye. She waved back. "I'll text you" Chelia said. Wendy nodded. "Bye" Eve waved and we all left.

Wendy's POV
I took a deep breath before knocking on my front door. I heard a click and began panicking about what my excuse was gonna be. "Hi Wendy" I heard a voice say and it definitely wasn't my brothers. I looked up to see long scarlet hair. "Oh Erza it's you" I sighed from relief. "Jellal had been so worried about you and he even called me over to help look for you" she said. "Are you sure he didn't just call you over to make out with you?" I asked smirking. Her face now matched the color of her hair. "N-n-no" she stuttered while blushing. 'Hey, she may be able to help me sneak in' I smiled at my thought. "Erza~" I sang. "Yeah" she answered. "Help me sneak in" I said getting straight to the point. "Sure" she smiled. "What why not?? Wait did you just say 'sure'" I asked her and she nodded. I quickly ran inside as she closed the door I was about to run upstairs when I heard Jellal's voice. "Erza who was there" he yelled. I looked at her and she smiled. "Just some Girl Scouts selling cookies!!" She yelled back. Jellal ran down stairs and I hid in the living room. "Did you buy any?" He asked I bet his eyes were sparkling right now. "No sorry" Erza apologized. "It's fine" Jellal smiled. He was about to walk in to living room. "Wait!!" Erza said. Jellal turned around. "Ermm..Emm.. What's your favorite color" she blurted out. I face palmed. "My favourite color?" He asked. She slowly nodded. "This is taking too long" I whispered to myself. I peeked my head out so Erza could see me. "kiss him" I mouthed. She gave me a confused look. I began making kissy faces. She blushed and slightly shook her head. I just rolled my eyes. "Your acting weird Erza are you sure your ok?" he asked. "Yeah I'm perfect" she smiled nervously. I can tell that she doesn't really lie very often. "Well I'm gonna just.. emm.. go" Jellal said making his way back in the living room. I held my breathe hoping he wouldn't see me but before he could see me. Erza quickly pulled him into a kiss. He was shocked at first but slowly melted into the kiss. I took this opportunity and ran upstairs and got changed into my pj's. "I'm gonna tease him when he's done making out with her" I laughed. Then I heard footsteps coming upstairs. I tip toed up to my door and peeked out. They were still making out and Jellal decided to let his hands roam around her body. 'Ok maybe he's getting a little bit too comfortable' I thought. Then he bagan lifting up her shirt. "WOAH WOAH!! Ok keep it PG" I yelled bursting out of my room. "What the hell are you doing Wendy??" Jellal asked obviously irritated. "I'm stopping you from being in the new season of Teen Mom!!" I yelled. They both blushed. "So where were you?" He asked trying to change the subject. "I was in my room trying to sleep until I heard you two come up the stairs like you were in 50 Shades Of Gray" I smirked. He blushed even harder. "Just shut up and go to bed" Jellal glared at me. "I'm not going anywhere until I know you won't try and get Erza pregnant" I said. Erza's face was redder than her hair. "Maybe I should go" She said. "I'll walk you home" Jellal offered. She smiled and nodded. "Have fun love birds" I yelled as the walked away.


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Thank you so much for reading. Sorry for not updating in a very looooooonngg time I didn't have internet for a while and I was alsooo very very lazy. And I apologize for that. I hoped you enjoyed that chapter. I promise there will be more to come. 😘😘😘

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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