Chapter 12

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Jasper invited me back to his place so we could talk more.
Iv got to say i have missed him the most, don't get me wrong I missed all the cullens well except the prick I'm sure you know who I mean and Alice.
I'm not stupid Iv always known she was fake, she just pretended to be my friend some doll she could dress up God know why I put up with it.
I was bit pathetic back then I just cringe when I think back to my past , anyways back to present.

"Earth to bella anyone there" . Sorry jasper so tell me what av missed in the last 50 years how is everyone, " a lot but I'm more interested in finding out what happened to you".

Ok were shall I start, Edward left me, he took me to the woods he said I wernt good for him.
That I was just a distraction and he got bored of me, at first I thought he was lying that he wanted to leave me because he thought it was the right thing that he loved me so much he didn't want to take chance of me getting hurt.

Just as I was bout to tell him he doesn't need to protect me that I'm not fragile like he thinks, he crushed my heart he told me he never loved me he was actually laughing.
I couldn't help the tears that fell, I wanted to stay strong but the person who I thought loved me was all a lie jasper he didn't love me.

At first I was sad I would stay in my room thinking why I weren't good enough for him for all of you was it the fact I was human if that was the case why didn't edward turn me like I asked hundreds times and I just got the same answer. "No I won't turn you into a monster like me".
Funny thing is thinking now he was right not about turning me into a monster but him being a monster.
Any ways after a lot moping around I started to get angry I started to see red my whole body starting vibrating flash backs danced in my vision of when we were in the forest he thought he could hurt me and get away with it.
That I would just get on with my life like he never existed.
Who the hell did he think he was, all I could think of was there was nothing I could do but God I wished I could just rip his head of for what he's done.

As I was going upstairs to my room I started to get stabbing pains in my head i rushed to my room I thought maybe I just needed sleep but the pain got worse and worse my whole body was in agony I couldn't understand what was going on I screamed in pain willing for the pain to stop just my luck it got worse something I never imagined was possible.

I reached for my phone to dial 999 a voice in my head said calm down, I dropped the
phone in surprise.
What the heck now I'm hearing voices inside my own head yep I thought I was going crazy.
Then I heard the voice again she said I need to try and relax and except what is happening.
I know it sounds stupid jaz but I replied back to the voice.
  Except what exactly that I'm dying, "don't be ridiculous Young bella you are not dying, you are becoming what you were born to be". and what is that exactly because right now I just want the pain to stop please it hurts so much.
although the pain stared to decrease I was still in pain, "bella it's almost over".
I felt what could I only describe as someone slicing my shoulder blades with knife these huge black wings sprouted out I couldn't belive what was happening.
All I kept thinking was this must be a dream it has to be, then all the pain left I went to the mirror I couldn't belive what was happening to me as I stared at my reflection my hair started to go darker till it turned deep black with few red high lights my eyes also started to change to beautiful lightest blue you could imagine with flecks of red in them, that weren't the only change I knew I was pale but now I was paler than snow friggin white I couldn't belive what was happening to me.

The voice in my head spoke again she said not to be scared but embrace what has happened when I asked her what the hell was happening she explained everything to me from my change to the fact I was an angel.
A dark angel at first I though does that make me evil but know she explained that because she her self was an angle and that her husband was a vampire so that made me half angel half vampire.
I have all the strength of both but none of the weakness which makes me very powerful supernatural.

I figured out she must be family are you my grandmother. No sweetheart I'm your great great great grandmother. Holy cow I said, ok I can do this its not like I never believed in the supernatural world I mean hello I was dating a vampire so of course there had to be other supernaturals out there.
I just never believed I would be in that world again and now I'm the supernatural, after my mini break down I heard my window open as I turned around a man jumped in my room I couldn't speak ur move I felt frozen, he looked me up and down then smiled he to.d me his name was Damon and that he was like me apart from he was all angel no vampire in him but a fallen angel, when I asked what's fallen angel he explaind that he walks the earth h still had all his powers wings and immortality but he could never go back to heaven, he told me I had to leave with him, that if I stayed I would put my farther and anyone else around me in great danger, after lot words spoken I agreed with him I lve my farther and I realised he would never belive me he'll look at me I look so different Even my voice has changed, at first I wrote him a letter but Damon said it would be better to fake my death that way no one would look for me and in time Charlie would get on with his life. so that's what we did we faked my death.

I went back with Damon to his home were I stayed for the last 50 years until the little shit cheated on me, well he done me a favour I never loved him I think I just stayed with him because he was my kind I didn't want to be alone.
Anyways after that I just needed to let my hair down have some fun so I decided to party that when I seen you.

Now your turn I said as I waited to hear all that has happened and why jazz wasn't with everyone else.

" Ok hear goes ................

I know it's been a very long time and I apologise I weren't even going to start up again but when I seen the comments of use asking I though il give it a ago, first thou I want to say I know my grammar sucks always has always will no amount of years will change that and I apologise, I know chapter is short but after so long without writing this story I need to come up with new ideas so if anyone got any suggestions I'd love to hear them, thanks for reading and il start to update more regular

Twilight, Edward leaves BellaWhere stories live. Discover now