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I cant belive I did that to Bella,

Its true what I said to her I dont love her. but I shouldn't have hit her she just got me mad, she actually thought I loved her, stupid woman come on I'm a monster and I love it,

its lucky I'm the mind reader otherwise I would never have got away with it with my family they all thought bella left me that she fell in love with Jacob ,

Emmet took it the worse she was like a little sister to him in his eyes and couldnt understand why she would just leave like that.

They will never find out that it was me that left her, so I have been stuck in my room since I got home pretending I have lost my one true love.

I had to think of something depressing like I had actually lost my mate ye right but I had to otherwise jasper would feel my emotions and I dont want that, Alice didnt even see it coming she thought she was the one for me how funny,

"Flash Back"

Son whats wrong,

my farther figure said to me as I stormed in the house looing a reck.

bbb bella doesn't want me she wants Jacob shsh-she left me.

WHAT she left you for that dog rose spat.

Yes she did,

O Edward am so sorry.

Esme said hugging me. I dont know what to do she my mate.

I thought we would be together forever.

get married now its gone, she's gone.

I looked over to Alice if she was human she would be crying her eyes out

Why didnt I see this coming she kept repeating Jasper just held her saying its ok you cant see everything Alice.

I know but she's my best friend jasper.

Emmet stood up yelling NO belly bare wouldnt leave you she loved you she was a sister to me.

Well she did I guess I wasn't good enough for her and she got bored of me (other way round I thought to my self)

I'm getting fed up now everyone moping saying there going to miss her and thinking o poor Edward he must be so hurt I hope he will be ok.

I'm going to my room I want to be on my own I said.

We understand Carlisle said were here for you Edward. Thanks I muttered

Well that went to plan they dont suspect me at all well I am the golden boy in there eyes, I went downstairs told the family I cant stay here it will hurt to much the family agreed to all move. And that we will be on a plane first thing in the morning to Canada.

I hope you liked it this is my first attempt to write a book I'm a big twilight fan and after reading loads on here I wanted try something different let me know what you think , if you like it I will update regularly but let me know otherwise there would be no point try writing more if I think people dont like it thanks again

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