Chapter 13

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As I was staring at Jasper I could tell he looked nervous for what he was about to tell me, it's ok Jasper just tell me.

"Edward came home that night he left you in the woods he told us all that you left him, that you didn't love him and never wanted to see him ur the rest of us again. That you wanted to be with Jacob. At first he did seem upset but I caught him out few times. I might not be a mind reader but I'm a empath I could feel his emotions and he wasn't sad but rather happy and proud.

I couldn't understand why he would be happy that you weren't in our life's anymore. I knew he was hiding something but everyone else thought the sun shined right though him. Anyways few weeks later Carlie called a meeting he explained we needed to go back and convince you to become one of us. Turned out Jane payed a little visit she wouldn't let you live if you remain human. Carlie tried to reason with her, explained that you were in the protection of the shape shifters, but Jane didn't want to hear it.

Despite Edwards protests we went to Charlie's only to discover you were dead I couldn't belive it, I knew in my heard you couldn't be.

I never seen Emmet so angry before, he ran to the treaty line to confront Jacob after all they were suppose to protect you. When we got there Jacob weren't happy to see us especially Edward.

We were all shocked when Jacob said it was Edward that left you, Rose was pissed she got right into his face and laid into him, Esme looked like she was going to break down and Carlie looked disappointed in his son.

Edward being Edward came up with smooth lie just rolled of his tongue he said he left you to protect you from me. That he knew I was going to hurt you which is totally bull and he knew it,
After few choice words from me I was kicked out the family I went and stayed with Peter n char been there ever since"

Wow I couldn't believe my ears, "Jasper I have never once been scared that you would attack me hey that dickward wouldn't even leave me alone with you so I could get to know you better God he was such a controlling freak".

"I just can't believe they kicked you out, what about Alice she's your mate for crying out loud" soon as I said them words I felt whats the word I'm looking for yep jealous I don't know why though I shouldn't have them feelings he's Alice's mate not mine.

"She's not my mate Bella I knew that long time ago but I was just fooling my self hoping I was wrong,"

"So what happens now then, what with the voultri there gona want to see you bella they need to mak sure your not still human and when they notice your not all vampire there either going to want you to join them ur kill you. They'll see you as a threat.

I'm more powerful than the whole of the voultris guard put together I'm immortal Jasper and I don't mean in the sence of vampire can die if there ripped apart I don't know exactly how it works just that I can't die so I'm not worried il see them on my demands and if they try to kill me then it'll be there

Twilight, Edward leaves BellaWhere stories live. Discover now