Chapter 4

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We arrived at the airport and the strong pair of arms I felt earlier happened to be Dawko's.

We all got out of the car and walked into the airport to go to Boston. We checked in our luggage and went to customs.

We checked our tickets to see where everyone was sitting. We were sitting in the window seats to the left. Razz and Dawko, Ryan and Bazamalam and me by myself. We sat in our seats and I waited to see if anyone was sitting next to me.

Our flight was about to take off and no one was in the seat next me which was good.

Ryan and Bazamalam sat behind me and every so often one of them would poke their head over the seat to see what I was doing. Sometimes I would be editing others sleeping.

I slept for at least 4 hours of our flight and edited my ten, twenty minute videos the rest of the time till we landed.

"You okay? You seem stressed." Razz asked as he was walking back from the bathroom.

He decided to sit next to me instead so he didn't lose balance an fall on his butt.

"Yea just thinking..." I replied staring into his eyes.

"About? Anything in particular?" He asked again.

"Just life..." I replied still staring into his eyes.

Without realizing it he was began to lean towards me. Whether that was the plane or him was a different story. And then he kissed me. I looked at him wide eyed and then melted into the kiss.

We pulled away and he walked back to his chair. I stayed sat down stunned at what just happened. And hoped that neither Ryan or Bazamalam saw what happened.

I saw Ryan walking back from talking to the air hostess which gave me relief. He sat in the chair next to me and asked if I needed help. I nodded and handed him the lap top.

Time skip brought to you by Exotic Butters.

The plane landed and all my videos were edited and ready to go on YouTube. Ryan fell asleep next to me on the chair so I gently kissed him to see if he would wake up. And sure as hell he did. He jolted awake and questioned what happened and whether the plane crashed which made me giggle.

"No it hasn't you fell asleep and I wanted to wake you nicely. I could have shook you instead."

He shook his head and kissed my cheek as he got out of the seat.

We got off the plane and I questioned everything that happened.

Did Razz really kiss me? Did I really kiss Ryan? What am I thinking?

"You all good?" Dawko asked walking slowly by my side.

"Thinking... About certain things I do not wish to explain." I replied looking at the ground.

"Okay, if you want to talk you know where I am" he said as he kissed my cheek.

Again? I thought that's three out of the four who have kissed me or I kissed. What's wrong with me? Oh well Pax here we come!

The War Between Four Worlds (8BitRyan x Dawko x Bazamalam x Razzbowski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now