Hogwarts Express.

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Chapter 3:

A/N: I descided to slip it with the getting the stuff and went to the Hogwarts Express. Sorry I wanted to do the Chapter like that ,but I thought it would be Easier. THX!!! Plz Vote and I've got a question I'm putteing another character okay.

Ella's sister or cousin?

Younger, Older, or Twin?

Introduced in First,Second, or Third

What she looks like?

Finally put her with: Fred or George?

Plz answer this questions I would love it and I would be thankful. Keep reading and writing!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I was awaken by a slam of Ginny and I's door. Ron: Get up we have to go to !

Whoah Whoa... HE's in my room and he didn't knock. I started screaming," ONE, I'M UP! TWO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE? NOT KNOCKING I COULD'VE BEEN CHANGING!". I seen he's face turn red. Ron responded,"Sorry! Just get up we have to go in 30 minutes," Oh wow! I will be finished in 2. Good thing I braided my hair last night and, put my stuff downstairs. I got up hurried,brushed my teeth and hair, and got dressed. ( Eleanor's outfit http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=110799918 ) I came down stair to see my family and my uncle Remus. "Morning everyone!" I said to everyone. "Morning!" Everyone said back. I sat between Ginny and Ronald. Ron: morning Elle. Me:Ronald.

George:Looks like

Fred: Our little Ron

George:Got our little Ella

both: Angry.

Everyone started laughing.

Mum: What he do now?

Me:Well Ronald over here busted in my room to wake me up and didn't knock or nothing and i could've been changing! ( my hair was turning red)

Everyone started laughing.

George:Good job

Fred- Ron! you got

George-Little Ella


: Angry!

Uncle Remus came and hug me and told good luck and Hogwarts and that he had to leave and he would see me soon.

Mum:Ok it's time to go. Don't want to miss the train!


We had made it to the King's station in a hurry. A boy that looked Ron and I's age with black jet messy hair and beautiful emerald green eyes.

??:Excuse me? Do you know how to get to platform 9 3/4 ?

Mum smiled and said,"Hogwarts? it's Rom and Ella's first year too.

He turned to us and gave a small smile, so I smiled back.

Mum:Yea watch them. Come on Percy!

Percy took a running mark and was heading toward a wall between platform 10 and 9. Oh god! But as soon as he hit the wall he went through! What!?!?

Mum: Alright your turn Fred!

Fred:I'm not Fred

George:I am

Fred:You call use your mother.

Oh God! There they go tricking poor Mum agian.

Mum: Alright go George!

Fred: I'm just kidding I am Fred.

Both twins turned their carts toward the wall and went through.

Mum:Alright! Ron. Ella. You turn.

Me: Hey do you want to go before me?

??: sure.

First, Ron. Then, mystery boy. Finally me!

Mum: Come on Ella.

I took a running mark and ran straight through the wall to see a bunch of witches and wizards hustling to get on the train. The train had Hogwart Express on the side

I ran to the train and got in. I soon found Ron on the train and we were looking for an compartment.

We had found the compartment with only one person when he turned around it was......

The mysterious boy. I opened the comportment door and he turned around and smiled at us.

Me: May we sit here,everywhere else is full?

He smiled and nodded. Ron put up his trunk and I was having trouble with mine.

??:Need some help?

I smiled and said please.. He helped me with my trunk and took out his hand and said.

??: Harry Potter! What's your name?

I smiled and Said," Eleanor Dumbledor, but you can call me Ella".He gave a smile and turned to Ron and said who are you?

Ron: Ron. Ron Weasly. Your Harry Potter! Do you have the -he gestured the scar_

"Ronald Billius Weasly! Manners! Mum said to be nice, and don't ask!" I hissed to Ron

Harry: It's ok! -he showed his scar.

Ron: -gasps- Wicked!

We all sat down. Me by Harry and Ron across from us..

The door opened. The Trolly Lady came and said," Anything from the trolly dears,"

Ron: I'm good I got this(pulling out his nasty sandwhich Mum made. I don't have any cause I though them away when no one was looking... Whoops...)

Harry got up and said,"We'll take the whole lot!"

He paid her the money, and got his candy.

He gave some to Rom and me. We both told him thank you; he said no problem.

I can't wait to get to Hogwarts!


Hope you guys liked it will be starting bon next chapter or next 2. I probably won't get much done tomorrow. I have school. Grrr! Will try and update tomorrow! Thanks for reading! Please, tell me your answers for the questions. I had put at the top. I will be thankful. Btw Ella has nothing to do with me..... Maybe a little of her personal; that's it!!!!

-Love Miss Thing

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