Qudditch Match! :D D:

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                                                        Chapter 8:

-Ella's P.O.V-

Today was the day! The Qudditch match! I had did this brillant trick on Halloween night with Peeves! The twins were so proud Those sucker still don't know who did it. You see I took die and die each person red,Orance/scarlet, Blue, brinze, yellow, and black: For Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, and Slytherin. They don't know it;s me tho. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!  Any way can't wait for the match. I'm nervous,scared, and excited in all the same. Me and Harry made a pact to not get hurt, but if we do don't hold a grudge cause it's our first match. I got the twins on our side ,so if they try and hurt us they get hurt too! Wish us good luck!


We were all eating breafest besides me and Harry. Well, Harry was eating a litlle. "come on eat El and Harry eat some more". "I don't want anything!" "And I'm not that hungry." "Come on a bit of toast please?" complained Mi-Mi. "Come on sis, you gotta eat!" said Ron "Fin I'll eat but PotterI can tell you want me to eat. You better eat somemore." He nodded. I ate some toast and such.

Now it was time to go. Whole school was in the stands.Ron,Hermione,Nev,Seamus, and Dean held up a sign that had a Gryffindor symbal, a lion, that had "Go Ella and Harry" But insted of our last name it just had harry's cause Ron's rat spilled the paint and could only use what they had left and of cousrse Potter is shorter. Mi-Mi had put it in differnt color charm. Wood had cleared his voice to do a speech."Okay men" said Wood. That sexist jerk! "Oi you mean men and women,You sexist idiot!"me and my fellow chaser Angelina Johnson The team laughed,"And women".Wood agreed"This is it!". "he bid big one". said Fred"The one we've all been waiting for,"said George. "We-Know-Oliver's-speech-by-heart-"said the twins said. "We were on the team last year!". the Twins told us."Shut up.you two,"said Woood"blah blah"> I wasn't listening to his sppech untill i hear"TRight.It's time. Good luck,all of you". We all walked out there.               


"I want a nice clean game,all of you,"she said, we can tell she was speaking to the slytherin team. Those rotten cheaters!"Mount your brooms!" Let me explain okay. Two olws came in and delivered twom brooms that are....... the new Nimbus 2000 for me and Harry from -drum roll please- Aunt Minnie.Yay!. Back to the game. Madmae Hooch blew the whistle Angelina took the quffle."The quallfe has been immedaly take by ANGELINA jOHNSON SHE'S ABOUT TO SCORE.. OH SHE MAKES A FAKE PASS AND PASSES TO OUR NEW CHASER ELLA DUMBLEDOR AND SHE SCORES FOR GRYFFINDOR!"Lee Jorden,friends off the Twins, said. I looked over tosee all except sytherin cheering and I seen my family cheering alon. i waved.Katie bell soon got the Quallfe and made a false score and passed it to Angelina. It went me,kate,then angelina, over and over agian. It was my turn to score, when Slytherin beater was sending the bludger toward me,when......


A Slyg=therin beater sent a bluder my way when,one of the twins hit it toward a Slytherin chaser."Oi! Be careful sis!. Wouldn't want to get you hurt!". Said Fred and George. "Thanks Freddie, Thanks Georgie!". I told them. They smiled"Oi! Remeber or pact Dumbledor!" said Harry. "I remeber to Potter! You better remeber the pact too, your the seeker they will came after you too!" I yelled toward him with a smile. "Oi! I KNOW! WATCH OUT!". i DIDN'T REALIZE UNTILL A IT CAMME!!!.............................................................................................................. 

A buldger came right ahead I tried to get away it was to late...

It hit me in the arm,but they didn't know about that. I hide it really hard. "THE SEEKER, HARRY POTTER, HAS SEEN THE SNITCH.". i TIRED MY HARDEST AND CONTINUED THE GAME WITH MY NON-DOMINT HAND. Soon Higgs caught up with Harry,but Harry was much faster. But, then something happend to Harry!..............................................

His broom was being be-witched. I looked to the stands and seen Mi-Mi sdissapear. I looked toward the teacher's stand and say both Snape and Quirrell looking at harry,not breaking contact, and saying a non-verbal spell. werid? Anyway I then seen a fire coming from Smape's robes. Mi-Mi! Then Harry took control of his broom. I seen his broom speed toward. I seen his hands on his  mouth. Oh no.... he's going to be sick. I thought when he throw up, but he spit out the.......................................... Snitch. He threw up the snitch. He swollowed it. "GRYFFINDOR HAS WON!"SCREAMED Lee. I mounted my broom and ran to him. "We won!' I screamed. He picked me and hugged me. I whimpered. He took my arm. "What happended? Remeber the pact?". He asked questioning worryly about me. "It's ok. Yes, it was an accident.". I responded Mrs. and Mr. Weasly, Uncle Remus, Ginny,Mi-Mi,Ron, and ect all came.  "What happend?". asked mum "It's nothing my arm hurts that all."I lied. they toched it. I whimpered. "Let's get you to the Hospital wing.Then everything went black.


Just finished new chapte> Whatcha think. Thanks for reading. Reading is good for the soul. I don't onwn anything besides Ella and Anna (Who will show up more). If you don't know what Avatar the last airbender is and you love anime. then, check that out it's cool. Anyway, thanks for commmenting,liking, and voting. Please continue to read,vote,and like. Luv you all

                                                                                           -Miss Thing!                        

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