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Chapter 6:

-Ella's P.O.V-

I was awaken by the sounds of Mione screaming. "I'm up,I'm up!"

"You better hurry we have 30 minutes left!"I heard her complain

"Gee Hermione I can be finish in 15 minutes"

"Hurry up!" She screamed. I hurried tools shower and ect.

"Wow that was quick!But what about the 5 minutes you have left?"

Oh yea! "Well, I decided to do my hair in its natural form,besides the color, and no make-up!" I responded back.

She had a formed an "Oh". I smiled at her. We had grabbed out bags and went down stairs.


We had meet the boys down stairs. "Good morning boys", Mione and told them. Morning they chorused back. " look very beautiful Ella!" I heard Harry say. I heard Ron snicker. "Why,thank you Fine gentleman. You don't look to bad yourself Mr.Potter!" I responded back. He held out his arm, "Why, thank you m'lady! Would you join us for breakfast Ms. Dumbledor? I would like that!" He asked me. "Why I would like that very much." I took his arm. "Shall we?", he asked. "We shall. Come along guys!"I said on our way to breakfast


I can't wait for our flying lessons! But, Ron and Harry are panicking about making a foul out of themselves in front the Slytherins. And Miones been reading as much as she can on flying, but it's harder than it seems. Neville and her have been hanging onto every word. Poor Nev's grandmother won't even let him on a broom. I guess I understand, I mean he's like a part of my family, but he is very clumsy. But, maybe something good will come out of it! Well, we are about to go to our flying lessons. Wish us luck!!!!!


-Harry's P.O.V-

We just got to out the castle, to the pitch were we would be for flying lessons. I was nervous about this so was Ron and everyone else besides Ella. That's another reason why I like her, she is really brave! That a thing you can admire her about.She's also very cool,kind,smart,and beau.... I need to stop thinking this! She is my best friend and also my best mate's sister. Also, she doesn't feel like me like that. What are does she?? Her hair always turns pink or Rainbow m,but it's mostly pink when she is with me....I was interuppted by a whistle. It was Madame Hooch. A flying teacher and like a refere for qudditich I heard Ron say. We had all got by a side of a broom. "Alright when you say up like "up!", your broom should come up. But, you need to say it strongly and sharp.. I heard chorus's of "up". When Ella said"Up!". it came striaght to her. So I said up it came up. I turned to Ella and she was grinning at me. I smiled back at her. Ron was mad, becuase when he tried it hit him square in the face. He glared at Me and Ella. Oh I forgot to tell you Ella and Ron made up.As soon as everyone got their brooms up Madame Hooch said,"Now when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground", said Madame Hooch. "Keep your brooms steady, rise a few feet,and tthen come straight back down by leaning foward slightly. On my whistle- three- two...." Neville was already off the ground. He pushed off hard before Madame Hooch could blow her whistle."Come back, boy!"screamed Madame Hooch. Neville rised straight up twelve feet, then tewenty feet away."I'll get him!" Screamed Ella. I looked at her worriedly. "Don't you could get hurt!", said mione. "Don't worry!" She got on her broom and zoomed after him. "I coming Nev". She screamed to him. I watched her worryly. Wham! She had got Nev but, he accidetaly took control of the brom and smacked them agianst the wall. Lucky Ella had jumped and they were about 4 feet away from the ground and she jumped off. She tried to get Neville, but it was to lat there was a nasty crack. Neville was on the ground and he's broom had left and went to the forest,but luckly Ella was ok and could continue with us.Madame Hooch bended over Nevillie ,her face turned white. "Broken wrist". We all heard he mutter. "Come on boy, let's get you to the hospital wing." She had turned to us and said"None of you is to move while I take him to the hospital wing! You leave those brooms where they are or You'll be out befire you can say 'Qudditich'!. Come on,dear"". When she left, I ran to Ella and helped her up. "You ok? You took some fall there! That was brave of you to try and save Neville." She smiled and blushed,"Thanks Harry! I'm fine, it was only 4 feet. Nothing I can handle. I would do anything for my friends!". See there's the loyal,brave,and kindness.Hermione came over"Oh my! Are you ok, Are you hurt?". She came and hugged her tight. "gee Hermione, your about to kill he. I still need to bring my sister home at the end of the year." Said Ron to Mione. She let go and Ella took a big breathe. Soon,we heard Malfoy burst into laughter. We all turned and glared towards him. I saw a few red stricks come into Ella's hair which was pink. "dial it down El!". mione told "it's not my fault Mi".

Did you see his face, the great lump?' All the other Slytherins joined in. "Shut up Malfoy!", snapped Parvati Patil.Oh crap. Ohhh Sticking up for Longbottom? said Pansy. "Never thought you'd like fat little crybabies Parvati." "Shut Pugsy",snapped Ella. hER HAIR WAS TURNING RED AGIAN. "Before I re-arrrange your face ,but looks like I can't cause I think your parents already did!"She sanpped. All the Gryffindor's laughed. "Oi! You little bitch!". Her face never changed. "Says the one making fun of someone for sticking up for someone. And also making fun of someon who DIDN'T do anything do you really want to play the bitch. Cardand actually I don't care what I am to! Yea, I know I'm short. We all have our flaws, that's what makes us ,while us. So, you shut your mouth Pugsy. The Gryffindors all clapped to Ella's speech. I smiled at her. "Look! Malfoy said, snatching Neville's Remebrall ball. "Give that here, Malfoy!"I I said quietly. "I think I'll leave this somewhere for Longbottom to find it like, up a tree?" "Give it here!" I yelled. Malfoy had got on a broom and went up. "come and get it!". I got on my broom and Ella followed.

"no", Hermione yelled. "Madame Hooch told us not to move

We ignored her. as soon we were upon the air, may I say it was brilliant. As soon as we were leveled. "Give it here!" said Ella "We'll knock you off your broom!" I shouted toward Malfoy. "Oh,yeah?"said Malfoy with a smirk. " No Crabbe and Goyle to save you know!" said Ella ,in a mocking and laughing tone. He then realized that. "Catch it if you can, then". Malfoy had throw it, Ella had it ,then Malfoy HIT HER and it flew. "Get it Harry!". I soon found it and caught it. Malfoy was already on the ground when we got there. We had just got down . And the Gryffindors cheered. "HARRY POTTER AND ELEANOR DUMBLEDOR!" We turned around to see Professor McGongall was runningtoward them. The gryffindors gasped and the Slytherin snickered. Ella glared at ALL the slytherins,

"Never in all my time at Hogwarts- We could tell she was speechless. "Ho dare you -- you might of broken you necks--.

"it wasn't their fault Professor" Ella had sent her a -thank you for trying to help- smile.

"Be quiet, Miss Patil-"

"But Malfoy-"

"That's enoigh Mr. Weasly. Potter, Ella follow me,now.

Oh great we know are going to probably get expelled. I can't leave Hogwarts. It's my new home. And Ron, Mione, and Ella. Oh god.. Ella. I can't leave! We never get a chance to talk. What have we done. I won't ever get to see them agian. I have to go back to the Dursley's.Professor McGongall had opened a door to a classroom. "Excuse me , Professor Flitwick, could I borrow Wood? A boy about 4 or 5th year from  Gryffindor. 

"Follow me.. We soon arrived to a class room. Peeves a ghost was in there. "Hi Peeves!" Ella shouted to him. "Tiny Little Ellie, cutie cakes ella, and Princess prankster Ella. You promise to help me with something later Little Ella?" I guess she knows him. "Peeves you having fun with that? And ofcourse I will?". She told him  "Alright we'll do it next month!". "Peeves out" said McGongall. "What you need Professor?" asked Wood. "Wood this is  Ella Dumbledor and Harry Potter, your new chaser and seeker!". I turned to her and smiled.


Hello finally! I finished it! Thx for waiting! Luv all! :D keep readin! It's good for you brain and sould!

What you think so far?. More to come!

                                                     -Miss Thing

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