Stefan one shot

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You are Stefans 5 years old daughter. After your mom's death Stefan goes ripper again and Damon in a desperate act  to take his brother back decides that you are the only one that can make Stefan turn his humanity on .
( Any grammatical or vocabular mistakes when reader is talking are made on purpose because she's supposed to be a baby )
Y/N/N = Your Nick name
Y/M/N = Your your mom's name

" What ale we do hele D ? "

You asked resting your small head against your uncle's arms. It was dark outside and you are standing in front of Mystic Grill which seemed quite different, the lights were on but you couldn't see anyone in from the Windows.

" We are here to see dad remember Y/N/N ? "

Damon asked softly as he placed you next to him to stand on your own feet . You nodded rubbing your sleepy eyes,  it was getting late and the only thing you wanted was to fall asleep in your dad's arms like you used to but you hadn't see him in days.

" What is dad do hele uncle D ? Why did he left, doen't he love me any mole? " you asked suddenly awake in the fear of losing your dad too.

" No baby , don't talk like that , dad loves you very much he's just not himself  lately,  he's sick and I want you to help him get better. Once we get in I don't want you to leave my side no matter what, promise? "

Damon said , he knew his plan was extremely dangerous but he needed his brother back and he was sure that even in this state Stefan would never do anything to hurm you.

" I pomise but what do I do to hep? "

You asked not waiting to see your dad again.

" I just want you to remind him how much you love him , Can you do that Y/N/N ?"

You nodded once again and he smiled softly as he took your hand before stepping in the completely empty bar.

Damon stood there for a moment taking in his surroundings , making sure it was safe .

" Stefan!"

He yelled , sure his little brother was there , he could already smell the fresh blood in the place.

A dark silhouette apperaed from the kitchen and Damon quickly pulled you behind him. Your eyes glowed with happiness as you saw your father but you knew you had to stay behind.

" Hello brother " Damon said

" I knew you always were stupid , stupid enough to come here but bring Y/N with you?  That's  too stupid even for you Damon "

" I knew you always were stupid , stupid enough to come here but bring Y/N with you?  That's  too stupid even for you Damon "

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Stefans face was emotionless, as he stood in the entrance  staring right back at his brother  who gave him a small warning smile

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Stefans face was emotionless, as he stood in the entrance  staring right back at his brother  who gave him a small warning smile.

" Where's everyone Stefan ? "

Damon deep down already knew the answer as he noticed his brother's  blood stained sleeve.

" What are you doing here?  "

the younger Salvatore asked in the same tone ignoring Damon's question.

" Y/N wanted to see you,  you've been gone for days "

" Take my child out of here Damon or I'll - "

" You won't do anything brother "

In the mean time you hid yourself behind Damons leg as you listened  to them . You didn't really understand what was happening. Your dad seemed to do anything he could to ignore your presence in the room. You lost mommy , you couldn't lose dad too.

" Hi daddy "

You said in a small voice  interrupting the two men that seemed to be ready to tear each other apart. Both stopped and looked at you as you remained in your current position only pocking your teary face from your uncle's leg.

" Hey sweetheart "

Stefan said after a long pause, his expression softening a little in the sight of you crying.

" I miss you daddy , I love you very much "

" I love you too Sweetheart but you have to leave now, its too late for you to be awake "

He said a lump on his throat and he turned around to leave finally realizing Damon's plan , je couldn't, he couldn't do it ,he wasnt raedy to deal with Y/M/N death yet but your desperate cry stopped him.

" Pease daddy don't leave too , don't  go to sky like mommy, pease i pomise to be good girl, please don't leave me alone "

You sobbed as Damon kneeled next to you trying to sooth you. Maybe this was a bad idea after all , he hated watching you heartbroken like that , maybe he would find an other way to save his brother,  you didn't deserve to live this. Stefan had stopped dead on his tracks and you could only see his back.

" pease! "

You cried one last time and he turned around to face you. He was fully crying, he had the same puffy red eyes as you and he looked like the old Stefan only sadness and sorrow taking over him. He kneeled  there with open arms for you to jump in as he used to do every time you were scared.

" I won't hurt her Damon , I just want to hold her "

He said,  pleading as his brother stood protectivly in front of you. You waited until your uncle signalled you it was ok and you run into Stefans arms both of you crying.

" I'm so sorry baby , I'm so sorry , I will never leave you , never again"

Your dad whispered as he closed his eyes causing more tears to escape as he finally let his humanity in and held your tiny body tighter against him.

He knew it wouldn't be easy especially without Y/M/N , she was the love of his life but he would try his best and give you the life you deserved because you were his world now , he couldn't have asked for anything better and he was more than greatful to have you.

I just had this idea and thought it would be super cute , tell what you think in the comments

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I just had this idea and thought it would be super cute , tell what you think in the comments.
Enjoy  :D

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