1 - The Date

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Tom, Matt, and Edd got settled into their apartments after that day. After that terrible, terrible day when Tord Larsson betrayed the three of them. They decided to forget that it had all happened, so they could live on.

    The days progressed into weeks and the weeks progressed into years. Matt proclaimed his love for Edd, marrying him a year later. Edd became a successful animator and even earned all rights of the Cola company. Ringo luckily survived the explosion, showing up on Edd and Matt's doorstep.

    While his friends were doing well and loving life, Tom was different. He got by with money he made in a music store near by. He kept telling himself he'd quit drinking, but it was always a lie that he knew the truth behind. But he tried. He tried so hard to stop. Throwing out the bottles, taking anti-depressants, but he always seemed to be back at the town bar, tucking the mental pain away.

    But why? Why did Tord do this to them? Jon may not have been their best friend, but he was no threat. Tom often saw Eduardo at the bar, and he had speculations that they may have had drunk sex. But Eduardo wasn't such a bad guy. He came because by what he told Tom, he had been in love with Jon, but terrible at expressing it.

    And Edd. Tom knew for sure Edd was still dwelling on it, but God, he knew how to stay happy in the worst situations. Edd trusted Tord and when Edd trusted someone, it meant that person meant everything to Edd.

    Tom woke up that morning in a cold sweat, like he usually did. Waking up from the same dream he's been having for all those years.

That dream where Tord stood there, holding a cigar, in front of Tom. Grinning at him, mocking him. Tom then reached out towards Tord in a sobbing mess and wraps his hands around the Norski's neck, strangling him. Tord freezes, as a tear rolls down his own face and his figure shatters.

Tom picks up the nearest bottle and takes a swig as he drags himself out of bed and into his bathroom. He looked into the mirror, staring at himself. He looked terrible. His hair was a mess that could really use a trim and his arms were covered in slits and scars. His eyes had always looked like voids, but they were sadder somehow.

His home phone rang from the kitchen. Tom walked out of the bathroom and picked it up.

"Hey." He sounded terrible too. His voice was scratchy and hoarse.

"Tom! I was starting to get worried. You weren't picking up your cell." It was Edd.

"Oh. Sorry Edd."

"Oh. No problem. I'm coming over in a bit."


"Well... Don't get mad, but... Me and Matt may have... you know... "

"What'd you guys do?"

"We... set up on a date for you on one of those dating websites. You've just been acting really upset and... we think it'll be good for you."

Tom sighed. "Fine. Whatever. I'll go."

"Great. I'll be over in 10 minutes!" Edd hung up.

Tom sighed again. "Guess I'll go take a shower then."

~Time skip because that's allowed on WattPad~

It wasn't long after Tom's shower until Edd knocked on the apartment door. Tom opened it and Edd immediately embraced Tom in a welcoming hug.

Letting go, he said, "Tom! It's been too long! It's sooo great to see you again!" He dragged out the word, "so" to show how excited he was to see his friend.

Tom folded his arms. "It's great to see you too Edd." he said giving a slight smile.

After casualties, the two started getting ready for Tom's date. Edd said that they'd have to get Tom's hair trimmed before the date, so Edd got Tom's attire ready first.

Tom was put into a black short sleeve button up dress shirt with his black and white checkered tie, blue jeans, and a pair of black converse. His outfit was complete with three silver hoops in his left ear cartilage, a diamond stud in his left ear lobe, another silver hoop in his bottom lip, and two more hoops in his right eyebrow.

"So, where's the date going to be at?" Tom asked, sitting in the chair as a barber trimmed his hair.

"It's at ASDF Land." Edd replied, watching Tom's hair get snipped and fall to the floor.

Tom groaned. "Don't you remember what happened last time we were there? I don't feel like dealing with the apocalypse today."

"There are no more zombies, Tom." Edd laughed.

Edd drove Tom to the amusement park and stopped the car near the ticket booth.

"That's him." Edd said, pointing to a man standing nearby, holding two tickets. He looked kind of cute to Tom, but he still didn't seem like Tom's type. He had long dirty blonde hair in a messy bun and wore a loose tank with blue jeans and combat boots.

"Seriously?" Tom looked at Edd with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh, come on, Tom. Don't be rude."

Tom simply rolled his eyes and said, "Lame." He then got out, saying goodbye to his friend and shutting the door.

(A/N) Haha. You probably thought the one Tom was going to go on a date with would be Tord.

I'm sorry.

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