7 - The Lost

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Tom usually sat in his room, playing his bass, Susan. He liked to play songs at random to keep his bass-playing ability in shape.

And Tord loved to listen. Of course, when Edd and Matt were either asleep or out. Why? Well, what would start as playing sappy love songs for Tord would turn into flirting and that flirting could very easily turn into kisses, a make-out, then sex.

The two had a schedule to make it easier.

Edd and Matt always went grocery shopping every other week on Saturdays (2 hours). Matt goes "antique" shopping every Sunday while Edd (Tom and Tord would either murder or leave Matt behind.) went with him to make sure he didn't buy too much useless junk (4 and a half hours including the drive downtown). Edd and Matt loved one bakery of which they'd walk to every Tuesday and Thursday (1 hour). Plus, a few other various things Edd and Matt did together.

On this particular Sunday, Tom had a problem. Tommie Bear was missing. He ran around the house, searching high and low, Tord following him, begging for an explanation.

"Tom, what are you looking for?"

"Tommie, what are you doing?"

"Baby, calm down."

No. Tom could not calm down. Tommie Bear was important. Once he looked downstairs, he ran for the attic, but Tord grabbed his arm and pinned him against the nearest wall.

Tom furrowed his brow. "Move." He snarled up at Tord.

Tord was shocked. He did not expect this. Tom only spoke like this when they were faking their hate toward each other in front of Edd and Matt. But they weren't around. Tom should be calm and sweet, like he was when the two were alone.

"Tom..." Tord spoke softly.

"What?" Tom retaliated, growling at his "boyfriend".

"Thomas!" Tord snapped. He sighed, pressing his index finger and thumb to the bridge of his nose. "I just want to help. Please calm down and talk to me."

Tom avoided Tord's eyes, still softly growling. "You wouldn't understand." Tom whispered.


"I said you wouldn't understand!" Tom yelled at Tord.

Tord pulled his hand back, then punched the wall by Tom's face. "I'd understand if you calmed down and told me." he said through gritted teeth.

Tears started forming in the corners of Tom's eyes. He took in a shaky breathe and...

He didn't know what to do. He stood there, shaking and blinking back tears. He just wanted to go back to his room, but he couldn't.

"Well?" Tord asked, eyes fixated on Tom.

"I... " Tom sniffed. His stomach was in a knot and his words felt heavy. "I just..."

"Come on. Spit it out already!"

Tom pushed Tord out of his way, and continued his search. Luckily, he found Tommie Bear relatively soon. (Tommie was in Matt's room.) He climbed back down the stairs, finding that Tord wasn't around, probably outside smoking a cigar. Tom contemplated going outside with Tord, but decided against it.

Tom went to his room and sat down on his bed. He held Tommie Bear close as he thought of all that had just occurred. He hadn't shown so much anxiety since High School. And Tord sure didn't help.

As he thought, he realized that most of it may have been his fault. If he had just told Tord what was going on, then maybe he wouldn't be in this mess. Tom was now sobbing into his arm and clutching Tommie Bear close. He wanted to fix this, and so, he decided to talk to Tord as soon as possible.

After a few hours, Tom heard Edd and Matt get home. Great. He did not want them seeing him like this, and so, he opened his door, and made a break for the bathroom to wash his face. As he was drying off, Edd knocked on the door.

"Tom?" Oh no. It was that voice. The soft voice that Edd used when he wanted to talk about something... important.

Tom opened the door. "Yeah?"

"Tord's leaving."

"What?" Tom was shocked, but he tried his best to hide it.

"Yeah, do you know why?"

Tom stared at Edd silently for a few seconds. "I may have an idea. I need to talk to him."

"Well, that's going to be a problem."


"He's leaving now. His car's loaded and ready."

"Oh... "

"Are you okay, Tom?" Edd set a hand on Tom's arm.

"Of course. I've been waiting for that commie to leave for forever." And of course, Tom didn't mean it.

Tom was the first of the three to go back inside after Tord left. He locked himself in his room and pulled out his phone and laptop to send a message to Tord in every way he could. Through a text, an email, an imessage, a message through wattpad, and so on. Eventually, he started getting messages back, saying the accounts were inactive.

Tord was gone.

And Tom couldn't stand it.

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