6 - The Tears

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Tom awoke at around 9:30 am. He sat up and looked at the handkerchief that sat on his bedside table. Picking it up and holding it to his nose, Tom inhaled the scent of his long lost "friend" again. He missed Tord.

He missed the fighting.

He missed the going outside to talk to Tord as the Norwegian smoked a cigar.

He missed Tord sneaking him kisses when Edd or Matt weren't paying attention.

He missed Tord interrupting his bass playing because of such little of things.

And they were to meet again. Whenever Tord came for his handkerchief.

Tom frowned and sighed. "He'll just buy a new one, knowing him." Despite the fact he was alone, he tried not to cry as he walked into the kitchen to make breakfast. He refused to admit to even himself that he was this desperate for Tord.

Tom's efforts failed him. He sat down at his dining table and cried, tears falling into his bowl of cereal. When he finished crying, he was too drained to get back up, so he just ate the cereal, salty from the tears.

He sat like that most of the day, staring down at his empty bowl, holding back tears as he thought of all that had occurred before Tord left for the second time.

(A/N) Another short update. Sorry.

"Jeg er Lei Meg" A TomTord FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now