13 - I'm Sorry

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The door was shut behind him. Tom stood in a small hallway that connected to one other door. He walked over to it and knocked softly.

A silence followed. "Come in."

Tom opened the door to a room with a large oak desk sitting in the middle and a couple of shelves set to the sides, holding files, note books titled, "plans", and a few novels.

Tord sat in a chair at the desk. His expression was serious, but his eyes were puffy and red. He looked up from a paper he was writing on with a black pen. "Tom... " Tord turned back to the paper and continued working. "What is it that you want?"

Tom walked over and gently took the pen out of Tord's hand. "You left in such a hurry, I wasn't able to explain myself." He sat on the sat on the desk, knees against its wood, as he looked straight into Tord's eyes.

"Funny." Tord leaned back and folded his arms. "Almost like I was wanting to get away from you."

Tom looked down at the pen he was fidgeting with. "Please, Tord." Tears threatened him, but he resisted. "I know I messed up. The least you can do is not remind me about it, just so that I start crying and can't get a word out of my defense about what you saw."

"Fine. Tell me what happened."

Tom looked back up at Tord. He really just wanted to kiss him, hold his hand, and snuggle his face into the crook of Tord's neck, but he knew he'd just be pushed away after that. "Edd and Matt set me up with this guy and he's just so disgusting and has no consideration for what others want. I was going to tell him that I had found someone better, but before I could mention it, he jumped me. If you hadn't come at the time you did, God only knows where he would have taken me."

The pen broke, and ink spilled in Tom's lap.

Tord swiftly pulled out the same handkerchief from a couple days ago, came around the desk to Tom, and set it on the ink spill. He backed away and stood tall, with arms at his side, like he was a war leader. Like the leader he was. The Red Leader.

Tom tried wiping his pants, but all it did was stain the handkerchief as well. He held it out to Tord, who took it. "My pants are black anyway, so it'll be fine."

Another silence followed. "I'm so fucking sorry." Tord started crying again and hid his face in his hands. It was visible his knees were growing weak, so he sat down on the floor.

Tom jumped off the desk and wrapped his arms around Tord, stroking his hair and rubbing circles into his back. Tord changed his position, so that he was sort of laying into Tom's chest. "What for?" Tom asked.

"For being an ass."

"Tord... "

"I know you get anxiety when people snap at you, and I did that to you anyway. I snapped when you lost your stuffed bear. I snapped when I saw him kissing you... "

"Both of those times were understandable. I should have told you what was happening and I would get pretty pissed as well if I saw someone kissing you." Tom placed a kiss on the top of Tord's head and held him tightly.

"Tom... "

"Yes, Tord?"

"I'm sorry."

"I am too."

(A/N) This is really short. And also the end. But there will be a sequel. At some point. So, yeah.

"Jeg er Lei Meg" A TomTord FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now