Crying and Tachyons

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Kara stepped out of the elevator into CatCo. Another day at work, worried and miserable, but Kara would never let that weigh her down. Mon-El must be pushed to the back of her mind. How though? She was just so worried about him. He could be hurt, he could be lost, he could be scared. The sight of James pulled her from her thoughts.

"Hey, Kara." James asked, "How are you?"

"Alex told you didn't she?" Kara said suspiciously, beginning to walk to James' office briskly.

"No!" James declared. Kara looked at him. "Yes, she did. She only wants to make sure that you are okay." James following her to his office.

"My goodness!" Kara exclaimed. "I told her not to."

"She is worried about you."

"I still told her not to." Kara sat down on the couch in James' office. James sat down next to her. "Do you know if she told anyone else?"

"No, I don't." James said.

Kara started to cry for the second time that day. James wrapped his arm around Kara to comfort her. "I just so worried about him." Kara sobbed, "And now Alex is looking for him and she might be kidnaped too. I wish life wasn't so hard." Kara buried her head in James' chest.

"Shh, shh." James said comfortingly, "Everything is going to be okay. Everything will work out fine." James pulled out a handkerchief out of his pocket and gave it to Kara.

"He-he-he could be lost, or-or-or hurt, or-or dead." Kara sobbed into the handkerchief.

"I'm sure he is not lost, or hurt, or dead, especially not dead." James said pulling Kara's head up to look him in the eye. "Mon-El is a strong guy. He learned it from you. He is going to be fine."

Kara wiped her eyes. "How can you be so sure?"

"I just know." James said standing up. "Anyway, Mon-El would want you to be strong. He would want you to go about your normal life." Kara stood up and tried to give James back his handkerchief. "No, no, you need it more than I do right now."

"Are you sure?" Kara asked still holding the handkerchief out.

"Yes, very sure." James said shoving Kara on her way, right into Lena Luthor.

"Just who I was looking for." Lena said surprised that Kara had been shoved into her.

"Sorry, sorry. James shoved me." Kara said embarrassed.

"Trator!" James said jokingly.

"What do you need me for, Lena?" Kara asked elbowing James lightly in the stomach.

"Are you alright, Kara?" Lena said noticing Kara's red eyes.

"Just fine." Kara replied, "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Anyway, I need your help with a.... Technical problem that I think you might be able to help me fix." Lena said, clearly hiding something.

"I'm useless with technology." Kara said confused, "But I do have a friend that might be able to help."

"Only you can help me with this." Lena said, "Can we go somewhere more private?"

"Alright." Kara said, intrigued by the mysterious technical issue Lena had. Kara showed Lena to the balcony. "Soo, what is it that you need me for?"

"Do you know anything about tachyons?" Lena asked.

"Surprisingly, yes, I do." Kara said surprised.

"Well, I have been building a tachyon enhancer. It recently exploded, and now there is a blue, water like thing floating on the 12th floor of L-Corp." Lena said, "I was wondering if Supergirl would be able to help me understand what it is."

"It is a portal to another dimension." Kara said, remembering when the Flash had visited, and she had helped get him home.

"How do you know so much about tachyons?" Lena inquired.

"I have a friend that is kind of obsessed with them." Kara lied, "He created a portal and went through it, I haven't seen him since."

"Really?" Lena questioned.

"Yes, his name was Barry Allen." Kara said.

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