Finished Experiments and New Problems

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"Well..." Mon-El said, "Where are you from?"

"I am from a place... I'm not really willing to share the answer to that one." Ash said sheepishly.

"Well, I know that you can fly, and that you are super smart, so you are obviously from Krypton." Mon-El said.

"I'm from Krypton." Ash said, "And you are from Daxam. So we are worst enemies."

"Supergirl is from Krypton," Mon-El pointed out, "And we get along just fine."

"Supergirl is also your age." Ash pointed out.

"Kinda, sort of." Mon-El said shifting his hand back and forth. "No one really knows how old she is, she was in the phantom zone for a while. I also didn't age for a while."

"That is complicated," Ash said lifting an eyebrow, "But something similar happened to me."

"I assumed so," Mon-El said, "You are a 14-year-old girl from Krypton, of course something happened to slow down your aging."

"Anyway, we need to get back to my experiment." Ash said changing the subject. "Soo, what do you think the meaning of life is?"

"You like to think deeply," Mon-El said, "Don't you?"

"Just answer the question." Ash said.

"Okay..." Mon-El said, "Can I have sometime to think?"

"Sure." Ash answered.

Mon-El thought, he thought really hard. What is the meaning of life? To be a good person? That probably was a part of it. To learn? That was probably another part of it. To learn and use that learning for good, and to help people? That sounded right. "The meaning of life is to learn, and to use that learning for good. To help other people understand. To show them the meaning of life." Mon-El finally answered, after a good ten minutes.

"That was a good answer." Ash replied. "I think that I have enough notes on how you think, but, uhh, we have a new problem."

"What kind of new problem?" Mon-El asked.

"Well, I really don't know where we are." Ash answered, "I think that I flew to fast and went to far. We could be on the other side of Earth for all I know."

"Well, this is really problematic." Mon-El said. He thought about Kara. She is going to be really worried by now. He wondered how long he had been gone. He wondered where they were. Kara and the DEO will find us. Mon-El thought trying to be optimistic. Wherever we are, Kara will find us.

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