Clothes, Sports, and Lies

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Thea pulled out her key to her and Oliver's house. She unlocked the door. She walked into the house, Oliver wasn't home. Thea quickly walked into his bedroom and pulled out some of his t-shirts for Mon-El. I hope Mike and Oliver are the same sizes, Thea thought as she grabbed some of Oliver's jeans he didn't wear anymore and a belt. Then she strode to her room and grabbed some of her old clothes for Ash. Hopefully, these won't be too big for her.

*        *       *         *

While Thea was grabbing clothes for Mon-El and Ash, Roy was trying to get to know them better. "So we've established that you're geeky," He said pointing at Mon-El, "But what do you like to do?" He said pointing at Ash.

"I like to play garata," Ash replied.

"What's 'garata'?" Roy asked confusedly.

"It's soccer with different rules," Mon-El said before Ash could reply.

"I'm more of a basketball person myself," Roy responded, "But soccer is cool."

"What's basketball?" Ash and Mon-El asked at the same time.

Roy looked at them weird. "How do you not know what basketball is? Where you like home schooled or something?"

"We were home-schooled and very sheltered," Mon-El answered.

"I've got to teach you basketball." Roy said walking one of the many cardboard boxes on the ground, "I think I have a basketball somewhere around here, aha!" Roy yelled triumphantly pulling a strange looking dark orange ball with black lines crossing over it, it reminded Mon-El of an orange.

"That's a weird looking ball," Ash commented.

"Well, if you think about it, it is," Roy said looking at the ball, "But I try not to bend the rules of the universe very much, so I don't think about things that much. Okay, let's play."

"With what space?" Mon-El asked, "We can't go upstairs."

Roy laughed and walked to a light switch on the wall, he flipped a switch and the lights overhead blinked brighter revealing more space. "Help me move some of these boxes around, Mike."

Mon-El helped Roy pick up boxes and stack them by one wall. "So what do we do now?" Mon-El asked when they were done moving the boxes.

"I teach you how to dribble," Roy said.

"What's dribbling?" Ash asked.

Roy thought for a moment before answering. "It's bouncing the ball back and forth between your hand and the floor." Roy demonstrated dribbling for Mon-El and Ash. "Now you try." He handed the ball to Ash.

*      *      *      *

Thea walked through the hallway from the alley to The Foundry, as she walked she heard Roy shout, "She shoots, and she scores!!!"

Thea walked into The Foundry to see that Roy, Mon-El, and Ash had turned it into a basketball court. They had stacked most of the boxes to one side, they had moved tables to opposite ends and placed an empty box on each of the tables. "What the heck are you doing?" Thea nearly yelled.

"Playing basketball," Ash replied.

"Yeah, and Ash is kicking our butts." Roy replied wiping the sweat off his forehead, "I don't understand how someone so small and new to the game can beat two grown men, without breaking a sweat even."

"You move too slowly," Ash said to Roy.

"Mike, are you sure your little sister isn't a metahuman?" Roy asked.

"No, no, where would you get that idea?" Mon-El replied nervously getting a crinkle above his eyes.

Thea looked between Mon-El and Ash, both looked very nervous. "You get a crinkle above your eyes when you lie," Thea said to Mon-El.

"I get a crinkle too!" Mon-El looked surprised, "I mean one of my friends gets a crinkle above her eyes when she lies too."

"So you admit that you were lying." Thea looked at Mon-El.

"No, yes, sorry for lying." Mon-El stumbled over the words, "I-"

"It's okay, Mike." Thea said, "I totally understand why you lied, you did it to protect Ash because someone is after you."

As Thea and Mon-El argued Ash heard someone with her super hearing. The sound of their voice slowly rose to a frequency that could kill her, and she collapsed to the ground covering her ears and mumbling, "Stop, stop, you're dead. Please stop, STOP IT!!!"

Mon-El pushed Thea and Roy out of the way as lasers shot from Ash's eyes, hitting the boxes and making them burst into flame. After the lasers died out Ash slumped into unconsciousness.


The contest is going on until next Saturday, so send in your submissions as soon as possible.

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