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Kara suddenly woke up with no idea where she was. Then she felt the sheets of her bed. How did she get to her bed? Last she had known she had been fighting a human that had attacked the alien bar. He had some sort of superpower that shot things from his gloved hands. Kara had barely been able to hold him off. She had been hit on the head really hard during the fight. Had he knocked her out? Kara didn't think so.

Kara noticed a flashing blue light in the corner of her eye. She turned towards it. Someone was in the blue light. The flashing stopped, there was the man that had attacked the bar. "Who are you and what do you want?" Kara asked throwing the sheets off of herself.

Whoh! The man said in her mind. What just happened? Who are you?

"Why did you attack me?" Kara said slightly confused. He didn't know who she was. What was going on?

I am Cisco Ramon, and I didn't attack you. The man said.

"You certainly look like the man that attacked me." Kara replied, "My name is Kara."

Kara? I think I have heard that name before. Cisco said his eyebrows knitting together. Where have I heard your name?

"I wouldn't know seeing as we just met." Kara said. This guy was growing on her. "Now what are you doing in my bedroom?"

We are in your bedroom? Cisco answered eyes growing wide in mortification. We should move somewhere else.

"I agree." Kara got out of bed and showed Cisco the way to the kitchen. "Now what are you doing in my house?"

Well, first off I didn't mean to vibe into your house. Second off, I have no idea.

"What do you mean vibe?" Kara asked.

Ohh, its this thing I do. I'm a metahuman. Cisco said clearly proud of himself.

"Wait, you're a metahuman?" Kara asked, "Like the Flash?"

Yes like the Flash! How do you know him? Cisco asked suspicion growing.

"He got traped heer last year." Kara answered, "Are you one of his friends from his earth?"

Wait, we are on a different earth? Cisco said turning around slowly. Well, that explains a little bit on where we are, but are you sure we are on your earth?

"Yes, why wouldn't we be?" Kara replied, this time her eyebrows knitting together.

Well, in my experience when I talk to people on different earths I do it on purpose, and this place doesn't look like earth. Cisco said pointing outside.

Kara turned to see what he was pointing at and she saw the blue water like stuff like at L-Corp. "Then where are we?" Kara asked.

My best guess is that we are in the multiverse crossroads, place, thingy. Cisco said with a thoughtful look on his face. He looked like he was in love with the blue water stuff. This is amazing!

The rest of what he said Kara didn't understand. He was going on about stuff that she was sure that Winn would love to talk about, and understand. "Stop!" Kara said abruptly. "I don't understand what you are saying, and I don't want to."

Sorry. Cisco said sheepishly. I am fanboying right now. This is just so amazing. I never thought I would experience something like this in real life, and I am ranting again.

"You are just fine," Kara said with a smile. "There is a reason I am a reporter and not a scientist though."

Right. What are we doing here again?

"I have no idea." The blue flashing started up again.

Well, I guess it is time for me to go. Nice meeting you Kara. Cisco said waving.

"Nice meeting you too." Kara replied waving back. "Say hi to Barry for me."

Will do. With that Cisco was gone, and Kara was alone. He had been nice. Kara wondered what exactly had happened, because she couldn't understand science crap to save her life. She wondered what she was doing in the multiverse gas sation thing. Why wasn't she on her earth?

Suddenly Kara felt a jerk in her gut and she sat up in the medbay at the DEO. Had that been all a dream? It had felt real. Alex saw that she was awake and ran to her. "Kara are you okay?" She said as she pulled Kara into a hug. Then Alex hit her on the arm. "Never do that again. You scared us so bad." Then Alex hugged her again.

"I'm just fine." Kara said lightly pulling herself out of the hug. "What happened?"

"Well the alien bar was attacked by a metahuman named-"

"Cisco Ramon." Kara said interrupting Alex. "Sorry, continue."

"How did you know that?" Alex questioned.

"Nevermind how I know." Kara said pushing the question aside. "Continue the story."

"Anyways, you went to stop him. He was a formidable partner from all of the damage that you both left, and when the DEO got to the bar you were unconscious on the floor." Alex replied. "Now your turn. How do you know who the metahuman was?"

"We had a conversation as we fought." Kara said simply. "He seems like a nice person, other than the evil metahuman part."

"The weird thing about him is that he died few years ago." Alex said looking off into space. "We are looking for him right now. So far he has evaded custody. Don't worry, we'll find him, but for now you need to stay heer."

"What?" Kara said standing up. "I can help with the search."

"We don't know how he was able to knock you out." Alex said. "You need to stay here, so we can monitor what he did to you, and if it left any lasting injuries."

"I'm fine." Kara insisted.

"We still need to monitor you." J'onn said walking into the room. "You stay here until we find Mr. Ramon, and my say is final."

Kara sat down in dejection. "Fine, I stay here while everyone does everything for me. Like find Mon-El. Or find a guy that attacked me with super powers. I can't help because I am to emotionally invested. I am the weak spot. You go have fun without me. You go save the world without my help. See how that works out for you." Kara stood up and almost ran out of the room. She almost crashed into Winn. "I am going to my apartment to watch netflix and think about how useless I am."

"What is going on with her?" Winn asked.

"She is feeling useless." J'onn said as he and Alex walked out.

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