Chapter 20

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Guess what you guys! I'm at my moms house this weekend. I'm so happy to be home. August said I needed a vacation so he sent me to my moms. He said he got the children. I'm a little afraid for them haha. It seemed like every 5 minutes I was texting or calling him to check on the children. It got to the point where my mom took my phone and turned it off.
Mom: They are fine sugar foot. Tell me how's the mother life treating you.
Rose: I love it mom. I have two others that's not mines but I love them just like they are. Mom they are so adorable and sweet. All four of them are the most wonderful children you could ask for.
Mom: Rose how are you going to take care of another baby? You have four already living with you and August.
Rose: You making it sound like they are renting to own mom. They are my children. Those two little boys are MINES just like those to little girls are. I'm loving them all. I'm taking care of them very well. Having another child won't hurt. We have more than enough room.
Mom: I'm not talking down on you but baby girl you're 23 now. You already have four children. When are you going to take time for your wants and needs?
Rose: I make time for myself after my children is taken care of. My future is going great mom. Instead of worrying about how I'm going to take care of another baby just be happy for me.
Mom: How can I be happy when this guy have my child in another state? Doing God know what when he leaves. Are you even married to this boy Rose? What do you see in him? He's bad news and a thug.
Rose: I chose to move out of state. He agreed so we could start over with our family. When he leaves he's doing business. Making music. Doing what he loves to do. I married him because of the faith I have in him. The love I have for him is real. What I see him him nobody else does. He's been hurt enough mom. Losing his brother. Mother won't talk to him. How much hurt can he carry mom? You just don't get it. Maybe he was bad news then. Maybe he was a thug. But that same guy that was bad news and that was a thug stepped up and became a man. He became what everybody else said he wasn't going to be. He's a great father and a wonderful husband. He's happy at what he has become and still becoming better and better everyday.
Mom: Your father would have never approved of this Rose and you know it. Your father would be so disappointed.
Rose: You know what mom? Dad is very happy. He's a proud grandfather as well. All this lying talking about he's dead. He died from a heart attack. They was all lies. Dad left because you was to damn demanding. Always over his head about dumb shit. Dad was the same way and it kills you to see me happy and married to someone just like him. Daddy changed for you and you still pushed him away. What else you want mom? For me to leave too?
Mom: *slaps her* I did everything I could to love that man! It was his decision to leave! Rose you know I loved your father very much! And I will not let you talk to me like that in my house! I'm your mom and your manager!
Rose: You're fired. And I'm leaving.
Yea my mom was my manager. My dad gave me his business a few weeks ago and I needed some help so I made my mom my manager. I got my bags and purse and left. I took the next flight home. After 3 hours the plan landed and I called an uber to come pick me up. I don't drive while I'm pregnant. Not safe to me. When the uber came I gave him the address and was now headed home. August didn't know I was coming until I walked in the house. The children ran straight to me and hugged me and kissed my stomach. They love their little brother/sister. August walked up to me and kissed me. Wobbling upstairs I carried my bags to the room. Not knowing August had came right behind me, he scared the shit out of me. I'm guessing he want to know why I came home early.
August: What happened baby?
Rose: I fired mom right after our little argument. So I came home.
August: Why you fire her?
Rose: She doesn't think that I can take care of five children you and me. She doesn't even think you're good enough for me.
August: But didn't you tell-
Rose: Yelp. He was. And now look at them. Divorced because of her mouth. And the way she pushed him away. Then I told her that she was lying about my father being dead and put her on blast. She slapped me did her little sob story and she got fired.
August: Well she's your mom no matter what. You have to apologize. You don't have to hire her back but at least apologize for the way you said somethings.
Rose: Ugh. I hate you sometimes. *kisses him* I love your bean headed ass.
August: I love you too chipmunk.
The rest of the day I spent with my family after I called my mom and apologized to her. I'll never disrespect her just could have went about the situation much more better. I'm not perfect but I should never disrespect my mom like that. I cried so hard. I though she would never forgive me but she did. And she also apologized. So my day turned out to be really good. Especially spending with with my family. Its always good.

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