Chapter 30

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Tonight I decided to go out. I just got in from a meeting so I freshened up. Me and Trevor still haven't talked about the baby and it's been 3 months. I'm much bigger as you can see and the baby is doing well. Especially when I'm not having to keep Trevor off me. I was going out with one of my friends from work. We both need a girls night out. Hell its been awhile. Last time I seen her we went to August concert and she went back to college that night. She's back and we going out tonight before she leaves in the morning. I was already dressed I just had to get my hair and makeup done. I had just flat ironed my hair and was now doing my make up when Trevor walked in the room. I looked at him and turned back to the mirror to finish my make up. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek. I wonder what he have up his sleeve.
Trevor: What good ma?
Rose: Nothing.
Trevor: You want to go out to dinner tonight?
Rose: I'm already going out with Lola tonight.
Trevor: So you rather spend time with your high school friend than you nigga?
Rose: Yes. I stay here all the time. Other than leaving for work then I'm back in the house with you. Don't you think I need to have fun too?
Trevor: Rose I don't feel like arguing.
Rose: That makes two of us. *gets up*
Trevor: *grabs her* We need to talk.
Rose: I'm late can I go.
Trevor: Rose I'm serious.
Rose: *sighs* Fine let's talk. Yea I'm pregnant and yea it's because you raped me while you was high. I'm 5 months now and it's a girl. I been to 26 doctors appointments without you. I've had complications with her but now she's healthy. I'm expecting early because she's going to be a pound under weight. I also have to have a c-section because she under weight. What else you want to know?
Trevor: Why you didn't have an abortion?
Rose: You know what fuck you! You such a bitch! *walks downstairs*
I called Lola and told her to meet me at Ben's Place. After I hung up with her I got my phone and purse and walked out the door. I got in the car and was headed to Ben's Place. It's not all that fancy but it is. It's been open since I was a little girl. I could never afford to eat there but since I can now why not experience the place. I arrived there within a hour. It's half away across the city from where I live. I killed the engine and walked in. I was seated after I gave the name for the reservation. Minutes later Lola had walked in. She sat on the other end of the table after hugging me. She was so shocked to see me pregnant. But like I said she had been awhile for a long time. She still doesn't know about the twins. She knew me and August had eventually got married but she don't know that we had been divorced twice already. But that's what tonight is for. To eat and catch up.
Lola: Wow girl. Long time no see. Girl I never though you would be the one pregnant first.
Rose: *laughs* Yea and we thought it would be you.
Lola: So how'd all of this happen? Are you excited to be a new mommy?
Rose: Girl more like a mommy for the second time. I had twins like a couple of months back. There 11 months now. Their first birthday is next month.
Lola: What?! Girl shut up let me see them.
Rose: *shows her pictures of them*
Lola: Awww see now imma have to come see them. They are so handsome. They look just like August. Speaking of him, how's the married life treating you.
Rose: Girl please. Been there done that twice.
Lola: Wait? So you two got a divorce twice?
Rose: Yelp. And honestly I'm glad I did.
Lola: What was so wrong with him? You was in love with him.
Rose: Yea and he was in love with his ego. He had a daughter before we got together but decided to tell me about her after went to his mom house for the first time. The girl just popped up saying that she's his baby momma.
Lola: Girl that's why I don't date. I stay to myself. Keep going though.
Rose: The girl is name Asia she's four. She's living with me now since me and August got a divorce. Before all of that. I became pregnant a month after he got another bitch name Linda pregnant. She had a girl and don't want nothing to do with her. She just turned one yesterday. We had her a little party nothing to major. Ohh did I forget to tell you that she's living with me too. And that all happened while you was away.
Lola: So who's baby is this one.
Rose: *sighs* Trevor.
Lola: You talking about your best friend and my High school crush Trevor.
Rose: I never knew you had a crush on him. But yea him.
Lola: Girl don't you know he does drugs heavily now?
Rose: Yelp. But that doesn't stop me from loving him Lola. He means the world to me. He just need some help.
Lola: I don't want you or that baby hurt because of him.
Rose: Can we change the subject and eat.
Lola knows when I really don't want to talk about a subject. I mean who wouldn't know. I know Trevor needs help. And I also know that he would kill me if he does receive help soon. We had ordered and eaten. We was just sitting around laughing and talking about other things now. Once we was fully caught up we split the bill as usual. Lola don't like to take no for an answer. I could have paid for the both of us but she insisted on us paying half. We said our good byes and hugged and went our separate ways. I got in the car and pressed start and was now taking this hour long drive by myself. When I got in the drive way I killed the engine and took my shoes off. My feet were killing me. I unlocked the door and walked in. I shut the door and turned around to receive a punch to my face. None other than Trevor was once again high. I fell to the floor and held my face. I looked up at him and he grabbed me by my hair. Dragging me up the stairs I screamed and kicked trying to get him to stop. Once we reached the room he slung me on the bed. Not before slapping me across my face. Other than high I wondered what was his problem now. What lie had he been told tonight. My ass was not safe tonight. Not even the children were safe.
Rose: Trevor please stop.
Trevor: Now you want me to stop! You wasn't begging that nigga to stop was you!
Rose: My children is here to and I'm pregnant!
Trevor: I don't what that fucking baby! I don't give a fuck about your children being here either!
Rose: Can you please just calm down!
Trevor: *chokes her* You let that nigga fuck?!
Rose: *cries* Put me down please!!
Trevor *grips tighter* Answer me hoe!
Rose: The baby! Trevor please!
Trevor: * lets her go* Did you or did you not let that nigga fuck Rose!
Rose: *gasp for air* What nigga Trevor! I went to go eat with Lola! I told you that before I left! I went to fucking Ben's Place and back the the fucking hellhole! Can't you see that I wouldn't cheat on you like then other bitches! But you need some fucking help!
I walked out the room waking the children. I didn't have time to change because I knew that he would come behind me shortly. I already had clothes at my dads house and did the children. I told Asia to help me with the babies. We walked outside and I made sure everyone was strapped in good. Before I could get in the car Trevor grabbed my arm. I didn't have time for his highness tonight. I was just leaving for tonight and come back tomorrow to check on him. Maybe even get him to go to rehab or something. I snatched myself away from him and explained to him that I wasn't leaving him just giving his high to wear off. Once I left and made it to my dads place I got the children out and put them to bed there. I explained to my dad what was going on. He just shook he head and kissed my forehead before heading down the hall to his room. I might as well go to mines. I have a long day ahead of me.

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