Chapter 10: What's Going On?

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Karai was not happy that Winters didn't tell her the whole truth about the job they were given. When they got back, they waited until Winters came in.

"What seems to be the problem?" Winters asked.

"The problem is that we were hired to merely patrol the city and report anything strange to you. You never said anything about monsters," Karai answered dangerously, pointing her sword at his throat.

"Ooh. Now, I'm sorry that your illustrious group have been reduced to hired guns, but I believe we made a deal, Karai. And I expect you to honor it," Winters threw back, removing her sword from him, then asked, "You do understand honor, don't you?"

She glared at him as he just smirked with his statue siblings by him.

"So, how did we fare?" he asked.

That's when the yeti was revealed, tied up in chains and on a platform.

"My, my, my. And what is your name?" Winters asked, the yeti roared in response, then he added, "Were there any problems, general?"

"None, my lord," one of the generals, Aguila, answered.

"Then show these fools how a true warrior acts. Keep them on schedule in completing their task," Winters commanded.

"We do not need any help," Karai refused.

"Nevertheless, Karai, I trust my family more than I trust you. You may be the eyes and ears, but they are the muscle. They will help you gather the remaining 12 of these abominations, so we can finally see our birthrights fulfilled," Winters said then chuckled as he added, "It's going to be quite a party."

He pressed a button, letting a cylinder cage trap the yeti, preparing him to return to his dimension.


A/N Seriously, what is Winters up to? And what'll happen if Splinter and/or Skylar find out what happened the night before?

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