Chapter 3: The Plan

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While Hannah was in the kitchen preparing dinner, I was sprawled out on the couch thinking of ways to stop the Daleks. Every idea I had think of ending in one or both of us dying. The girl with no name hadn't said a thing since we sat down, she just sat there with a look of determination on her face.

"Have you come up with anything yet? Any ideas?" I asked trying to break the silence. She just looked at me shook her her head and went back to thinking. I did the Same. I suddenly stood up and walked over to the door.

"Where are you going?" The girl questioned. "I'm going to my Space ship, I feel I will be able to Think of a better plan there. "

"Alright I'll come with you." She stood up and walked over to me. "Let's go" I opened the door and left with the girl on my heels. We got to the TARDIS quickly and safely without any Daleks noticing us. I opened the door and walked inside the box.

"This is the TARDIS, it stands for time and-"

"Relative dimension in space." She said interrupting me. I stared at her shocked.

"Yes, how did you know that?" I asked quite suspiciously.

" oh, um......lucky guess?" She said. Just as I was about to answer she blurted out, " So um we need a plan." I looked at her wondering if I should discuss the matter of her knowing what the TARDIS stood for but decided against it. We had more important things at hand. I ran up to the console and started pressing buttons and pulling levers send us far into space where we will be safe. But I stopped suddenly before I could do anything as a thought crossed my mind I didn't really know the person I was standing next to, I didn't know what her name was. But that was going to change.

"Who are you?" I asked looking over to her.

"It doesn't matter." She responded not looking me in the eye.

"You said years had passed?"

"Yep, what of it?" She said just a tiny bit harshly.

"I was looking for someone, I still am, I told her I would be 2 minutes. But then something happened that caused some....complications. And I guess I came back years later. " I explained to her. I looked over to see her reaction. She was staring at the wall, wide eyed.

"Um, are you alright?" I asked.

"Her name. What was her name?" She asked just a little bit breathless almost like she was in...shock?

"Her name is Malia." She finally looked over at me. Than a wide grin spread across her face. "Do you know her?" I asked hoping she did.

"More than you'd think." She replied. "Really? Do you know where so is, because I really need to apologize to her for taking so long."

"Doctor, you just did." She said looking me in the eye. I stared at her in shock, this woman in front of me was Malia, the girl who I'd left. I couldn't believe my eyes, in all six years she stayed right her in the same place.

"Doctor? Are you ok?"

"Um......yes, I'm fine." I responded still a bit in shocked.

"So your Malia? My Malia? The one who was only 13 not even 3 hours ago?"

"Ya, I am, and your the Doctor, my Doctor, the one who left me for six years only to surprise me by showing up unannounced not knowing who I was, when I thought you had finally come back for me." I stared at her not knowing what to say. This was the first time hearing her explain what she felt. It reminded me of a red head waiting for me in a little blue house.

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