Jonathan Crane #1

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Gerald Crane: a pyrophoric, scientist, crazed serial killer, and loving father. Or at least that's how you viewed him. The rest of the world however, they didn't see the real him. He didn't let them. All they knew was that a psychopath was running around Gotham, harvesting the adrenal glands of humans by killing them in their worse nightmare. What else did they need to know? Did they need to know that he felt responsible for the death of his wife? No, all they needed to know was that he was a killer that needed to be apprehended. Did they need to know that he was making a drug that could help cure fear? No, all they needed to know was that he was creating fear and needed to be stopped. Did they need to know that he was planning on injecting his son with it? No. But neither did you. Until it was too late, or almost too late.

You'd been helping Gerald with his experiments for almost 6 months now. When he moved into the garage house where you had been building a machine. Him and his son were tormented by the death of his wife, and you knew how that felt. When you were 14, your brother died. He was 2 years younger than you and you knew you should have done something to stop the bullying but your Anthrophobia wouldn't let you. The fear of humans. How pathetic is that. You couldn't even stand up to your own 12 year old brothers bullies. You knew it was happening, your parents didn't, so as soon as it happened, you ran away. The guilt, the thought of the funeral, the memories everywhere you turned, it killed you inside. You survived for a year inside that garage and it was illegally your home and the place where you built the machine you were working on to take away memories. You wanted to move all past thoughts of your family and your brother from your mind, and this machine had been a year long in the making until the Cranes showed up.

When they first saw you in the new place they had bought, Gerald threatened to kick you out, until Jonathan pointed out the machine you had made and Gerald was fascinated. He let you stay with them and they became your new family. Gerald promised you hope. You would help him with his project first and then you would move onto yours as he had many ideas for improvements.

Jonathan had become your best friend. Your only friend to be exact but that didn't matter to you. All you knew was that whatever happened, you were in it together. Lately, that became more true. Gerald was getting close. Close to completing his 2 year long work and he was getting anxious. So were you. You knew that if he got caught, you and Jonathan would be arrested too. You were both old enough. And so this was the hard part. The final few months where everything had to come into place. And then your machine could be done too, and the only memories you would have would be of Jonathan and Gerald. All you'd ever need.

"Y/N," Jonathan shouted, ripping you from your daydream.

You shook your head, "yeah?"

"Are you okay?" he asked sitting down beside you and placing his hand on top of yours.

"Sure. Why wouldn't I be?"

He looked at you with worry but pushed it away.

"Come on, Dad wants us to go with him this time."

You looked up at him with wide eyes. Of course you knew that for Gerald's experiment to work there had to be some 'casualties', and who would volunteer for death? However, that didn't at all mean you completely agreed with it, or was willing to go along to one of said 'casualties'.

"No, no, no," you freaked out.

"Don't worry, don't worry. Just in the van," he smiled.

You breathed out a sigh of relief and he laughed at you and you soon joined it.

"C'MON YOU TWO. STOP FLIRTING AND GET IN THE VAN," Gerald shouted and you both ran out into the van.

Jonathan could drive finally at this point and you soon arrived at the destination. Gerald got out of the van and you slid into the front next to Jonathan.

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