Chapter Twenty Seven: Too Dangerous For You

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I hear a body crumple to the ground and another sob racks my body.
"No!" I yell, only to be answered by echoes.
Hot, burning, rage filled tears fill my eyes as I slowly open them to observe the view before me. A small figure still stands, while a larger one is collapsed on the ground behind her. I blink once. She's still there. I bite down on my lip until I taste blood. I'm not hallucinating.
"Posy?" I whisper. She sucks in a breath from her previous crying.
"Can I open my eyes now?" She asks still crying silent small tears. She's okay. She's alive.
My legs move by themselves as I wrap my little sister in my arms. Her small body is enveloped by mine and she wraps her tiny arms around my neck. She's got a grip for a six year old.
I hug her tightly as she buries her face in my neck and cries. She trembles in my arms and sobs cause her to shake even more.
"Shhh, shh it's okay. I got you, you're safe. You're safe." My voice cracks more than once as I remind both her and myself of these things. She's safe.
I was supposed to get shot after her. I look around and see three dead snipers in the rafters of the boathouse. Our snipers probably got to them first. But who shot O'hara? I slowly set Posy down.
"Get behind me." I tell her firmly but softly. I slowly turn around prepared to meet the next threat.
But I'm met with no one. Where Katniss once stood there's a gun on the floor.
"She ran out." One of my squad members informs me. Two others confirm his statement with a curt nod.
"She shot O'hara before the trigger was pulled." I nod, but worry fills up my lungs. I can't focus on that right now though, as much as it kills me. I have to get Posy home safe.
I go to O'hara's limp body and search her pockets for the keys to Posy's cuffs. Eventually I find the keys and gently take the cuffs off Posy's hands.
"Ow." She winces. With a light touch I examine her wrists to find them bruised and bloody from trying to escape. She's a fighter. Just like the rest of her family. She looks at me with her bright grey eyes filled with fear. I'm going to kill whoever did this to her. Whoever filled her mind with terror. Whoever O'hara's employer is.
I gently dry her tears and as I stand up I pick her up with me. I feel her body weaken with fatigue and she rests her head on my shoulder.
"You're safe now okay? No one's gonna take you again." I tell her softly with a kiss on her head. She nods slowly and closes her eyes. Within seconds her body relaxes and she falls asleep.
"Let's get you home." I whisper.
My squad was already three steps ahead of me. As I took care of Posy they radioed the situation and gave the all clear. Another team is being sent to sweep the area for any more of O'hara's accomplices. We get the all clear to leave and I'm informed that Katniss was picked up by one of our vans to go back to the house. I breathe a sigh of relief. She's safe. I'll find her when we get home.
I'm directed to a van where I cradle Posy in my lap who's still sleeping. I gently brush the stray blonde curls from her face and she sighs in her sleep. I'm given a blanket by the driver and I carefully spread it over her, trying not to wake her.
Soon after, we arrive at my mom's house and she runs out with my brothers opening the door before I can get to it. Posy slowly opens her eyes and my mother sobs in relief, her hands over her mouth.
"Momma..." Posy says quietly and reaches for her. My mom gently picks her up but holds her tightly.
"Oh thank God, oh my goodness..." She whispers as she kisses her over and over and over.
I get out of the car slowly and make eye contact with Rory. He walks over to me and hugs me.
"She ran off towards the rocks, what happened?" He claps me on the back.
"I don't know." I say quietly and quickly make my way past the house and down the beach to where a large outcropping of black rocks sit in the sand. Eroded by years of constant wave action, they are smooth and slick with algae. Waves crash into the rocks to the right of me, drowning out all other sound.
I can't find her anywhere. I was following her footprints until the sand was too shallow and I hope I'll just find her if I keep going. The rocks suddenly start to incline. I make my way up the steep trail until I find myself at the top of a large cliff.
I catch my breath for a moment and look out at the dark blue ocean below. The sea hits the cliffs so hard I can feel the ocean spray from where I stand. The sky is dark from how late in the day it is and from the thick rain clouds that hover. It's probably going to storm soon. Man she runs far.
I look around and suddenly find her 30 yards away from me. Standing at the edge of the cliff, arms around her shoulders and shivering in the cold ocean wind. I slowly approach her. From what I see of her face, an affectionate greeting isn't what she needs. So, I stand beside her. Her face remains expressionless but tears brim in her eyes.
"Hey..." I nudge her shoulder with mine, but she flinches at my touch and takes a small step away from me.
"You should go." She tells me quietly.
"Well too bad." I retort.
"I'm being serious Gale!" She snaps and turns to face me. Her eyes full of anger, but not towards me. Towards herself. Tears that were being held back fall from her eyes and she resumes her stance, staring out at the crashing waves.
"Hey. It's not your fault-"
"Don't you lie to me Gale." She glares at me.
"I'm not lying."
"In case you didn't notice they captured Posy so that they could get me. They knew that we would use me as a distraction to get her back. And they knew that you would be there too. I almost got you both killed today because for some reason the Capitol always comes back. No matter how many times we beat them they will always be there to fight back. And I am their enemy. I am a danger to everyone around me." I shake my head. She can't be telling herself this. But before I can speak she holds up her hand telling me she's not done.
"And I can't stand back and watch as I get everyone around me hurt." Her voice catches and I can't take it anymore. I grab her shoulders and pull her into my arms. She tries to pull away, pushing herself away from my grip, but she eventually gives up.
"Stop." I whisper.
"Gale it's true. You could've died and it would've been my fault. It's better if you just stay awa-"
"No stop!" I pull away and grip her shoulders. Her eyes show me so much fear and despair my chest literally starts to hurt.
"So you're telling me it'd be better if we all just left you to suffer and die alone. Katniss I'm not going to let you push everyone away, don't push me away." She drops her gaze as those choking sounds escape her lips. I place two fingers under her chin and force her to return her gaze with mine. I caress her face. My thumbs move across her cheeks and her tears disappear. But more come to take their place.
"Katniss it is not your fault. It's the Capitol's. Don't you ever think differently. They chose someone to blame for the problems they created. You are not a danger. How many times do I have to tell you, you aren't going to lose me. We fight together we die together. Right?"
She nods but tears still find their way down her face.
"Now come here." I whisper and pull her back in.
"I'm so tired of being a piece in their damn games." She says defeatedly.
"I know. So am I. But we have to keep fighting back, don't you give up on me now."
Her body relaxes against mine and she nods.

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