The Escape

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Melanie's POV

It's been a few months since I have been back to my place. But today wasn't the same. It was raining heavily and I heard Jen shouting with someone, maybe someone from the castle.

"I told you a billion times, I don't want to torture her anymore, I just want her to die, instantly. I want her to die from stabbing or hanging her or taking all of her blood or I don't know, something!" She yelled, kinda.

"I apologize, my Queen." The guard said.

"You should be sorry. Now prepare the tools and everything." Jen said.

Now I started panicking. I promised Dark that I won't die, and I will keep that promise. I started shaking the chains, trying to get my hands out but we all know it was useless. I remembered that the last time I wanted to try the candle. There was this high candlestick and if I pour the candle wax between my wrist and the chain, I might be able to pull out. But I needed to tilt the stick perfectly. I got closer to the candle and tried to grab it, which was easy. But it was hard to tilt perfectly. I tried it slowly and carefully and it worked for a while then I got impatient so I almost made it fall onto the ground. But I felt the wax dripping which meant I was almost done. I adjusted it and the wax was dripping on my arm. I felt the warm wax on wrist and I had to act quickly, unless it will get dry. But I tried to pull out my hand. It was hard and painful, but I did it. After minutes both of my hands were free. Then I broke the candlestick and tried to open the chains on my ankles with it. Minutes passed and I was free. I heard footsteps and I blew out the candles. It was dark, only the moon shined the cell a little. I went to a corner to hide.

"Oh no." I heard. "No no no no!" It must have been the guard.

"Why are you saying 'no'? Did some-" Jen stopped for a second. "You. Had. One. Job."

"P-Please, I am sorry Queen J-Jennifer! Please, f-forgive me! I am b-begging you." The guard said and begged her.

"You don't deserve to live after this." She said. "GUARDS!" The guards arrived. "Take this rat to the dungeon and don't give him anything! Tomorrow morning, he will be hung and people will watch it. Fool."

Then the guards took him away. He was still begging. He said he has a family and children, but Jen didn't care, she didn't give a damn. Everyone walked away, but Jen looked into the cell one last time. She wanted to open the cell door, but it was locked. Fuck.

"What the heck?" She said and took her keys out and opened the cell door. I was fucked. She lighted up the candles, well, she tried and it almost worked. While she was trying, I had to think fast about my escape. I had enough power to make a wind and that will blow the candles out. I started to walk very quietly and carefully. Every step I took, the more impatient I became. Then there was this one step when I almost fell so I made a sound. Jen looked at the dark shadow, but I don't know if she saw me. She lighted a match that she had and walked to me. She almost reached me when she heard yelling.

"Queen Jennifer!" She heard. Her match faded and she ran upstairs. She almost caught me, geez. Luckily, she left the door open so I instantly ran to the door and ran. There was only one way up. I ran up on the cold stairs and I stopped at a wooden door. It was locked. I tried to open it by kicking it and later it worked. I heard Jen yelling with someone.

"I told you many fucking times! I don't this! I don't wanna see it or touch it, just, throw it away!" Jen yelled.

"But Queen Jenni-"

"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANYTHING ANYMORE BELLA!" I heard a slap. No. It was Bella, the maid who actually cared about me. " Tear it and burn it!"

I didn't know what was it, but it must've been something tearrible. I heard her footsteps fading away. I quickly ran to Bella.

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