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Isabel walked back to the common room.

She was super lonely and super tired.

She checked the time.

It was 2:00.

She could lay in bed for 6 hours until breakfast or draw.

Since sleeping wasn't going to happen, now that she's even more worried about Mr. Weasley being attacked and Harry having to have special Occulemency lessons, she decided to draw.

Around 5, Harry came into the common room.

"How was Occulemency?" Isabel asked.

"Oh, fine," Harry said, sitting on the couch next to Isabel, "Hey, why aren't you in bed, and why weren't you asleep earlier?"

"Can't sleep," Isabel responded.

"You should at least try," Harry said.

He grabbed a pillow and blanket and a book and sat back down on the couch.

He put the pillow on his lap and handed the blanket to Isabel.

"I have to study, and you need to rest," Harry said.

Isabel laughed and laid her head on the pillow and Harry pulled the blanket up on her.

Isabel smiled, she was actually happy. She felt happy and wanted and special.

"Goodnight Isabel," Harry said.

"Goodnight Harry," Isabel said smiling and closing her eyes.

Minutes past and Isabel was almost asleep.

Harry must have assumed she was sleeping because he started humming to himself as he studied and playing with Isabel's hair.

Isabel fell asleep smiling, happy as ever with her favorite person.


It was 7:30 and Hermione came down the stairs.

"Harry, have you seen Isabel, she couldn't sleep last night and she left the room and I guess she never came back, and she could be anywhere and..." Hermione rambled walking towards Harry from the girl's dormitory.

"Shhhhhh," Harry said.

Hermione stood in front of Harry and saw the sleeping Isabel.

"What the heck." Hermione said, "What happened?"

"It's a long story," Harry said, running his fingers through Isabel's hair.

"I have time," Hermione said sitting in front of them.

Harry explained the dream and everything that happened the night before and that Ron went home.

"So, do you like her?" Hermione asked, bluntly.

"Who? Cho? Of course." Harry said, mindlessly stroking Isabel's hair.

"No you idiot," Hermione groaned, "Isabel."

"What? Why would you t-think that?" Harry said, his face heating up.

"Because you seem to care about her a lot," Hermione said.

"Maybe, but I care for you and Ron a lot too," Harry said.

"Yes, but she is different to you," Hermione said.

Harry thought about it. Isabel was very special to him, but he didn't know how he felt.

Hermione and Harry then talked about Christmas and plans and a lot of fun things.

Isabel was awake. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Hermione smiling and laughing at something Harry said.

She then realized she was still laying on Harry, and he was stroking her hair.

She smiled.

Hermione noticed she was awake.

"Isabel! Sleep well?" Hermione asked.

Isabel slowly sat up and yawned and nodded.

"Do you want to go get breakfast?" Harry asked.

"Sure," Isabel said, rubbing her eyes.

Hermione and Harry laughed at her.


"I just got a letter from Ron, you're welcome to come with Hermione and me to spend the break with the Weasley family," Harry said over lunch before they left for the holiday.

"That's very nice, but I'm going to stay with my family, we always have Christmas together," Isabel said.

"Are you close to your family?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, they're so kind and supportive, I love them," Isabel said.

"What are they like?" Harry asked.

"Well my mom is a wizard and she's very strict, but we all need someone like that. My dad is the outgoing, fun guy, and he's a muggle. Then there's my little brother. He's my best friend. He one of the only people who make me feel so happy, and he's a squib. And t-that's everyone in m-my family." Isabel said.

"You really love them," Harry said.

"I do. I'm very lucky." Isabel said.

"You are," Harry said looking down.

"Sorry," Isabel said. She rubbed his back lightly before getting up and walking out of the Great Hall leaving Harry with Hermione.


The Hogwarts Express pulled to a stop at the station and all the students came pouring out.

Isabel, Harry, and Hermione made their way off the train and immediately spotted Mrs. Weasley and Ron.

"I'm glad to see you three," Mrs. Weasley said hugging them all.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said.

Isabel was then attacked in a hug.

Harry quick turned and saw a little boy around 6 years old who looked a lot like Isabel.

"Oliver!" Isabel exclaimed, hugging the small boy.

"Oliver, this is Hermione, Mrs. Weasley, Ron, and Harry, my friends." Isabel said, pointing to everyone, "Everyone, this is Oliver, my little brother."

Oliver tugged on Isabel's sleeve, "You're friends with the boy who lived?" Oliver whispered in shock.

"I am," Isabel smiled, glancing up at Harry who smiled back.

"Mum is waiting for us, she already decorated the whole new house in Christmas decorations and we have to hurry home so Dad doesn't destroy the house!" Oliver said, pulling Isabel away.

Isabel quick waved to everyone and gave Harry a hug and disappeared.


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