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"Goodbye Ron! Ginny! Fred! George! Please remember to write!" Mrs. Weasley said, hugging each of her kids.

"Hermione, study hard, but remember to take a break, don't work too hard." Mrs. Weasley said hugging Hermione.

"I'll try," Hermione laughed, boarding the Hogwarts Express with Ron.

"Harry, be careful, take care of yourself, I hope to see you at Christmas," Mrs. Weasley hugged Harry.

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said.

"Isabel, dear, take care, it was a joy to meet you, I hope I'll see you again soon." Mrs. Weasley said cupping Isabel's face and pulling her into a hug.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley, I'll miss you," Isabel said turning to board the train.

Harry was there waiting for her. Together they found Ron and Hermione and started their trip to Hogwarts.


The Hogwarts express arrived at Hogsmeade and the group went to board the carriages.

"What's that?" Harry asked suddenly intrigued by something that the others could not see.

"Harry, there's nothing there," Hermione said and walked around to get on the carriage.

"Don't worry," a voice said to Harry, "I can see them too, you're just as sane as I am." It was Luna Lovegood.

Harry nodded and climbed into the carriage with the others.

"Is Hagrid still not back?" Ron asked as they rode past Hagrid's hut.

"Guess not," Hermione said.


They group of Gryffindor friends were sitting at the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall for their dinner.

After they ate and saw the sorting of the first years, Dumbledore got up to speak.

"Welcome and welcome back students," Dumbledore said followed by thunderous applause.

"We have so announcements. First, there's been some staff changes. Professor Grubby-Plank will be filling in for Care of Magical Creatures while Hagrid is on... extended leave." He continued. The four exchanged worried looks. Isabel didn't fully understand, but she knew the three were friends with Hagrid.

"And we have Professor Umbridge who will be kindly filling in as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher," Dumbledore said addressing the woman all in pink.

Then, Professor Umbridge stands and clears her throat.

"Hem, hem, headmaster, if I could address the school?" She said in a sickly sweet voice that makes your stomach churn.

Dumbledore looks very confused by willingly lets her speak. McGonogall was giving Umbridge a nasty glare.

"She was at my hearing, she works for Fudge, she wanted me expelled," Harry informed his friends.

"It is so lovely to see all of your bright, happy faces smiling up at me," Umbridge started. Nobody was smiling.

"I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends," She continued, "In this school, we need to preserve what needs to be preserved. Affect what needs to be perfected. And discourage practices that must be... prohibited." She finished her speech with a giggle.

"The ministry must be interfering at Hogwarts," Hermione mumbled, obviously displeased.


Hermione and Isabel were talking in the Gryffindor common room before bed when Harry walked in.

Everyone looked at him suspiciously, he did not have a good reputation anymore.

Isabel knew what happened last year, she believed Harry, and she felt very sorry that he had to witness a friend die and receive this horrible response.

"Dean? Seamus? Good holiday?" Harry asked his friends, breaking the awkwardness.

"Alright. Better than Seamus' at least, anyway," Dean said to Harry.

"My mum didn't want me to come back this year," Seamus said standing up.

"Why not?" Harry asked.

"Uh lemme see," Seamus faked thinking, "because of you,"

Isabel tugged on Hermione's sleeve, making her watch what was happening.

"The Daily Prophets been saying a lot of things about you Harry, and Dumbledore too," Seamus continued.

"And your mom believes them?" Harry asked.

"Well nobody was there the night that Cedric died," Seamus said.

"Well, I guess you should read the prophet then. Like your stupid mother, it will tell you everything you need to know." Harry said.

Isabel and Hermione were both very worried about the scene they were witnessing.

"Don't you dare talk about my mother like that!" Seamus shouted he was getting very angry.

"I'll have a go at anyone who calls me a liar." Harry shot back.

Isabel shrunk back in her seat, she didn't like the shouting, especially when she started becoming friends with Harry, she hated to see him get attacked like this. And seeing him attack back.

Just then, Ron walked into the room and saw what was happening.

"What's going on?" Ron said, walking towards the two.

"He's mad, is what's going on. Do you believe the rubbish he's coming up with about You-Know-Who." Seamus shot angrily.

"Yeah, I do." Ron responded calmly, "Anyone else has a problem with Harry?"

The room was silent and then Harry and Ron ran up to the boy's dormitory.

Isabel was a bit disappointed they had to disappear so fast.

"Hermione, are we allowed in the boy's dormitory?" Isabel asked.

"We're technically not supposed to, but it is possible. Make sure the boys are alright for me please?" Hermione asked, picking up a book to read.

"Of course," Isabel said, standing up.

When she walked up the steps to the boy's dormitory, she stood at the top of the steps, watching Ron and Harry.

"You alright Harry?" Ron asked.

"I'm fine," Harry responded.

"It wasn't fair for Seamus to go at you like that I mean if he knew what-" Ron started.

"I said I'm fine!" Harry shouted.

Ron looked taken aback. "Fine, I'll just leave you to your thoughts then I guess." Ron mumbled ignoring Isabel and going back into the common room.

"Harry?" Isabel asked quietly.

"What," Harry responded harshly, his back turned to her, he didn't know who it was, he just wasn't in the mood to talk.

Isabel winced at the yelling. She gathered her courage and ran in front of Harry and gave him a hug. She was gentle and nestled her head into his chest. He was surprised.

"Oh, Isabel, it was you I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be rude." Harry said, hugging back.

Isabel said nothing and just continued to hug him to calm him down. He rested his head on top of hers until he finally seemed calm enough and Isabel let go.

"Thanks, I needed that," Harry mumbled, running his hand through his hair.

Isabel nodded, "You should rest. All that yelling must have made you tired. I'll see you tomorrow morning then,"

"Yeah, see you," Harry chuckled as Isabel turned and walked back into the common room.

He watched her leave and was frozen in the same spot, thinking for a minute.

He decided to take Isabel's advice. He then laid down and slowly fell asleep.


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