Ch 2: Birthday Blast

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*picture of the suit he wore for his party*

It was the day that had been long awaited by everyone at the company for weeks, months even.Mr.Choi's birthday was tomorrow and the special event that was thrown every year at the luxurious mansion would be the talk of the country. Dozens of Mr.Choi's closest friends and business partners had been sent the invitation weeks prior. Everything had to be perfect. All of the employees at the office were busy with last minute preparations and Tamein was especially anxious since he had been given the task of making the slideshow of pictures of Mr.Choi. He looked over the slideshow for a 6th time making sure the transition of all the slides was smooth. As he kept working he heard a low knock on his door. It was his boss Minho. Taemin turned to the door and came in acting without knocking ,as If he owned the place (which he did). Taemin got up from his desk and bowed to him. Minho shook his head and spoke "taeminah you don't have to bow to me" and walked over to his desk. Taemin sat "It would be rude if I didn't sir- I mean Minho" he said quickly covering up his mistake. It was so hard for him to call Minho by his first name. It felt wrong yet something inside his chest jumped every time he called the elder by his name. Minho smiled, "I just came to see if you were all wrapped up with the slideshow, everything needs to be perfect tonight and I'm counting on you" he said with a wink. Taemin gulped, he was done, yet he felt the pressure on his shoulders rise. "Yes Minho Sir I am done, I'm just looking over it" Taemin said , "would you like to see it?". Minho nodded, got up and stood behind Taemin's chair. Taemin could feel his heart beat faster as Minhos face was near him, it was at his shoulder. It was so close they almost touched but there was still space between them. Taemin began the slideshow , and with each slide came an explanation as to why it was chosen and put together. Minho maid small comments every now and then but his mind constantly drifted elsewhere. As he stood there he felt the gap between their bodies. Minho wanted to close the barrier, to feel the younger boy's skin on his own, but he knew it was wrong. One touch and he would be so tempted to keep going. The other day when he touched his chin, he had wanted to kiss the boy's soft lips. Taemins smell was intoxicatingly sweet and he wanted to be able to take it all in. He had held back but he knew that any day he could end up going too far. He knew that behavior like that would cause the boy to never speak to him again, maybe even quit. These thoughts circled through his mind constantly. He constantly had images of the boy bent over his desk playing through this mind. He loved those thoughts, yet hated that he couldn't make them come true.

Taemin finished the slideshow and Minho rose from the position where he was leaning over. "You did an exceptional job taeminah, I'm proud" Minho said smiling. Taemin blushed and said "oh sir thank you so much for the compliment". Minho couldn't stand not being able to touch him. He took a risk and raised his hand to the boy's cheek. Taemin became more red "um sir what are you doing?" He asked. Minho didn't realize what he had done and pulled his hand away "sorry it's just you had something on your face and it bothered me, I think I  got it off though" in a strong voice. Taemin didn't say anything and he kept quiet. "Taemin I'm going to ask a favor from you, will you come early to the party so you can help me run through what I'm going to say?" He asked. Taemin said "of course sir, it would be my pleasure". Minho nodded "I'll see you tonight" he said and he walked out of taemins office. He quickly went into his own office. He sat at his desk and sighed. He had to get control over himself. He looked over at the picture of his wife that he had on his desk. He picked it up and put it away in a drawer. She wasn't who he wanted, she had never been. He had been forced to marry her by his mother who had been begging for a grandchild. Eunha his wife had been bothering him with the idea of a baby since they had gotten married. They had had sex very few times. This bothered Eunha and she constantly told him so but Minho didn't care. He always came up with an excuse about work, anything to not have to touch her. He was loving towards her, and though he hated doing it, he kissed her to let her know he loved her. He quickly packed his suitcase and got ready to head home for the party.

He had gotten ready and was dressed in his newest designer suit. Eunha was constantly telling him how good he looked and he kissed her. He headed up to the stage that had been set up in his backyard and waited for his helper Taemin to show up and help him with his speech. He waited a couple of minutes, it was 4:00 and they had agreed to meet at 4:10 so he was probably on his way. At 4:10, Taemin was still a no show so Minho decided to just start practicing on his own. Taemin was probably a little late and he would surely show up soon.

An hour and a half later, at 5:45 p.m Minho knew that he wasn't coming. He was furious. Why had he said he would help him and then not show up? Why had Taemin stood him up! He got off the stage and went inside. He needed to cool down. The guests would show up soon and he had to be in a good mood.

Thank you for reading the chapter! I hope you enjoyed it, let me know your thoughts in the comments! Have a great day!

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