Ch 7: I love You

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"To hell with this infatuation" Minho thought as he kept kissing Taemin. It was better than he could've ever expected, and his heart was beating so fast he thought it might explode. He brought Taemins body closer to his own, so close he felt as if they would become one. When they pulled away from each other Minho looked into Taemin's eyes and couldn't stop. There was a certain glint that hadn't been there before. Could it have been lust? Minho wasn't sure and if anyone would've asked Taemin he wouldn't have known what to answer either. For a while they just looked at each other, neither dared to speak. "I'm sorry if that was out of hand. I'm drunk" is all Minho could come up with. As he said this all of the tiredensss he felt overtook him and he passed out. Taemin was shocked because of his audacity and lame excuse. For some reason he felt hurt. He had wanted it to mean something, but Minho was probably right. Besides, how could someone like Taemin ever compete with someone so classy and gorgeous as Eunha Mjnho's wife. He walked inside and woke up the butler so that some of the house staff would carry Minho into one of the empty guest rooms. Minho had been clear when he said that he was mad at Eunha and Taemin knew that for now this was the best arrangement for the couple. Deep inside he also didn't want to see Minho near Eunha again. He supervised the staff as they put Minho to bed. Once they had left Taemin kissed his forehead and walked to his own room.

Minho woke up with a pounding in his head. He couldn't remember anything from the night before past the incident of Eunha's tantrum. His head hurt so bad. He hadn't had a hangover this bad in a while. He looked at his surroundings and wasn't sure where he was. He looked at the nightstand beside him and there was a pill and a glass of water. He was skeptical at first but he decided that the pain was terrible so he took the pill. He got up and looked down and found his slippers. He left the strange room and as he walked out he realized he had just been in one of his guest rooms. He walked down to the kitchen and he saw Taemin eating breakfast by himself. As soon as he saw him he remembered what had happened between the two of them. Taemin saw him approaching and he dropped his fork. He looked kind of scared and then he picked up the fork again. "Good um morning  Minho-shi, how is your head" he asked nervous and stuttering. Even though he felt like a fool, Minho thought it was absolutely adorable. Though he felt as if instead of moving forward with Taemin he had pushed back their relationship. "I feel fine, where you the one that left the pill?" He asked. Taemin nodded "it was just an Advil" he then awkwardly looked at Minho. "Where's my wife?" Minho asked. "She left early this morning, she didn't say where she was going but she looked upset" Taemin said. As Minho reached for a seat at the dining table Taemin got up from his. "I'm done eating, enjoy your breakfast" Taemin said refusing to make eye contact with Minho. As he headed for the door Minho grabbed his arm. "Taemin why are you acting like this?" Minho asked unable to hide his frustration. "What do you mean?" Taemin asked praying that Minho didn't remember last nights incident. "Don't you want to discuss what happened last night?" Minho asked him. He shook his head, "sir I have no idea what you are talking about" Taemin said trying to make him let go of his arm. "The kiss" Minho said blatantly. Tears poured down Taemin's eyes but he wasn't sure what the reason for them was. "Taemin why are you crying?" Minho asked as he made the younger face him. At the sight of the distressed boy he himself wanted to cry. "Minho you're married, there's nothing to discuss" Taemin said. He couldn't understand why he was so upset. He didn't like or love Minho, let alone like men. He couldn't find a reason as to why he was crying. "Taemin I don't even love her, I love you" he said and he couldn't stop himself from doing what he did next. He planted a kiss on Taemin's lips. Just like that the tears stopped. Minho put his hands on Taemin's waist and it felt just right. Taemin couldn't stop his body as he wrapped his arms around Minho's neck and he deepened the kiss. There they stood in the kitchen door frame, and even though now words were spoken, there was a silent vow where they gifted their hearts to each other. Minho pulled away and started planting kisses on Taemin's neck, he moaned and even though it felt amazing he had to stop. "Minho, I can't do this" Taemin said as he pulled away and ran upstairs. He couldn't believe what he had just done. He had just become a home wrecker. No he wouldn't allow that. He had to find a place soon where he could stay. He wasn't going to be he cause of a divorce. He couldn't allow himself to do that. Eunha was Minho's wife and he was going to respect that. He had an objective, he would find a place to stay within two days and if he didn't he would go live with his parents.

Downstairs Minho couldn't believe his actions. Yet again he had set back his relationship with Taemin and he knew that now it would be even harder to win his heart. He put a finger to his lip in sadness from the absence of Taemin's lips. He assured himself that it wasn't going to be the last time he would feel those lips against his. Screw Eunha, he didn't care about anything besides Taemin.

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