Ch 4: The Girl

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After a week in the hospital, Taemin got discharge and he was sent home with Minho. The Choi's had set up a guest room for him, this was the most lavish and beautiful room he had ever stepped foot in. He felt bad for imposing and troubling his boss and his wife. "Thank you so much Mr. And Mrs. Choi, I'm sorry for causing you trouble" Taemin said. He set down a picture of his parents next to his bed, it had been the only thing that was saved from the fire. "Don't worry about it we're glad to help" said Eunha Minho's wife. Minho smiled at Taemin and said "we bought you some clothes and shoes, they are in the closet. We'll leave you to get settled now, if you need anything press that button and a maid will come to assist you" Minho said. Taemin replied "you didn't have to buy me clothes Mr.Choi but either way thank you" he said feeling bad again. "We'll have a maid call you for dinner" was the last thing Eunha said before the Choi's walked out of the room and Taemin was left alone. He was suddenly hit with guilt for staying at his boss's house and intruding in a married life. He should go live with his parents is what he was thinking. He went into the closet to look at the clothing that had been bought for him. All of it was brand new and had price tags still attached to it. He looked at one of the tags and he couldn't believe his eyes. It was a suit that was worth over $700. The closet was filled with more luxurious suits, designer shoes and watches. There was also regular clothing but nonetheless the prices of all of the pieces made Taemin feel like a begger. Why was his boss so nice to him?

Minho sat in his study looking over the work that had piled up in the last week. Taking care of Taemin was what he had been doing so he hadn't been going to the office. He sighed as he tried to focus but he couldn't stop thinking about Taemin. Before resisting him had been difficult enough, but now living under the same roof would be too much temptation. Was Minho willing to give in? He shook his head and looked back at his computer. He was finally able to get some work done as he replied to business emails. As he was getting some work done Eunha came into room. Minho glances up at her but didn't say anything. "Honey I'm just came to let you know that my cousin is coming by later today. She wasn't able to come to your birthday party and she said she wanted to give you her present as well as congratulate in person rather than just sending a card. She wanted to be respectful was how she put it" she said looking at him. Minho nodded and said "that's fine, did you tell the maids to set up for one more at dinner?" He asked unenthusiastically. Eunha nodded. "Good then if that's settled I have to get back to work" he said with a bored tone. Eunha looked down, "Minho can I kiss you?" She asked. This would have seemed like something a wife shouldn't have to ask her husband, but in this couples case that is how the usual routine went. Minho looked up, but didn't want to kiss her. He didn't love her and in the back of her head Eunha knew this but she did not want to believe it. He nodded and she smiled as she went in for a kiss on his lips. It was a quick peck but for Eunha it was enough. Diamonds and gold were better than love right? She smiled as she walked out of the office and went to make sure everything was ready for the guest. Eunha had to make sure she and the house looked perfect. Her and Jisu had been competitive with each other since a young age. They would compete in sports, academics, everything including men. When Eunha was able to snatch Korea's most desired bachelor she had rubbed it in Jisu's face. After her marriage she hadn't seen her cousin, but now Jisu would witness just how "perfect" a marriage could be.

Later that evening Jisu arrived at the Choi residence. She came in a summer dress and she looked stunning. Jisu looked elegant and classy in her latest designer clothing, shoes and handbag. She greeted Minho and Eunha and handed him a neatly wrapped present box "happy late birthday, I am sorry i wasn't able to come to your party, but as I've heard neither were you" she said trying to make a small joke. Minho laughed and said "Thank you" but Eunha did not look so happy. She tried her best to force a smile but Jisu could see right past it. "Hello cousin, long time no see" is all Eunha could say. "Hello" she said and went in for a rather awkward hug. "It's been a while but I'm happy to get to see you again" she said. Just as this conversation was going on footsteps were heard at the stairs. Jisu looked up and saw Taemin, her eyes widened at the beauty that was approaching her. Minho introduced him "this is our guest Taemin, I'm sure our circle of friends have told you about him. He's my publicist and he is staying with us due to the Incident". Minho gave a courteous nod to Jisu and she said "it is nice to meet finally meet you Lee Taemin" and shook his hand. She smiled at him in a way that made Minho irritated. He smiled back and that only made the irritation worst. The bad ambient in the room wasn't just coming from Minho but also Eunha as she knew that Jisu was scheming. "Ok well since everybody is her let's head to the dining table" Eunha said and she lead the way. She put her arm through Minho's and gave him a loving look. Minho tried his best to give her a loving look back. Taemin and Jisu walked side by side as they followed the Choi's to the dining table.

After a delicious and elegant dinner, where had only been eager and interested in Taemin, they settled down in the living room and drank tea and talked even more. Jisu had kept the conversation topic the same all night, it had been Taemin. Though Minho was happy to be hearing Taemin speak and to learn more about him, he was seriously annoyed at the way the girl looked at him. She was infatuated with a guy she had just met. A man Minho had been infatuated with since he started working for him. Jisu then asked a question "Taemin are you single?" She asked and both Minho and Eunha's eyes widened. Taemin turned red and he nodded his head. Her smile grew wider. Taemins eyes looked over to Minho and he felt something in his heart, he had been getting this feeling inside him eveytime he thought about him. Minho just staring at him made him turn a brighter shade of red. "What? Are you serious" she said distracting him from looking at Minho. "Well Taemin I happen to be single as well so if you want to go out for lunch sometime that would be great" Jisu said and she stood up. "Well it was a lovely time I had here today but unfortunately I have to go home. Thank you for your hospitality" she said as they walked her to the door. Eunha decided to play Jisu's game and said "Taemin would you be a dear and walk her to her car?" And Minho gave her a dirty look. Taemin nodded not bothered at all, since it was the least he could do for Eunha. Jisu walked with Taemin out the door.Minho could barely contain his anger as he politely said goodbye to their guest. As he walked her to the gate she said "I want to get to know you better" and boldly kissed his cheek. If he was red before now he was on fire. She giggle and got into her car and drove away. At the door Minho was looking at him with what Taemin could only consider to be anger. Taemin was still in shock at what had just happened and he for some reason felt like he had betrayed Minho. He went inside expecting the Choi's to still be in the living room but it was empty. He decided to just go back to his room.

Back in his office Minho was an all of fury. For a year he had been yearning to be with Taemin and this girl comes and expects to be with him in a day. It was all his wives fault, she had brought her here and let her get comfortable with his Taemin. He felt betrayed and as if this wasn't fair and he only knew one thing. No matter what Taemin would be his, and he would only love him.

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