Ch 6: 2 a.m

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Minho and Eunha had arrived at their house. Eunha was aggravated, never in their marriage had Minho been so disrespectful towards her. As they walked in she slammed the front door shut. "May I ask what the hell is wrong with you?" She demanded. Minho gave her a blank look and just shrugged. The answer was that he had drunken too much due to the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about Taemin. He had wanted to go home and be left alone and he just thought that Eunha would do as he said. After how annoying she was he was hoping she'd at least do that for him. So when she didn't want to leave and then was mad at him for doing so without her approval, he just didn't care. He felt as if she didn't deserve an explanation. Plus he couldn't exactly tell her he was jealous. That would be outright admitting to her not only that he liked someone else, but that person was a man. He ignored her and began to walk upstairs. Eunha was even more outraged and she grabbed onto his arm. He tried to shake her off but she was not going to let go. "Minho how dare you treat me like this?!" She screamed at him. That was it, he was drunk and he had reached his limit. "Eunha you are such a pushover! Why the hell do you care about me?! All you've ever cared about since we got married is your social status! I work tirelessly every single day to give you all these luxuries! Simple explanation is that I was tired! I wanted to go home!" He screamed in her face. She looked shocked and hurt at the same time. He had never been violent with her, he had never risen his voice at her, he had never even disagreed with her. It was always yes Eunha this and yes Eunha that. It was as if each time it happened the bomb to his patience was ticking and today she had made it burst. "Minho I am hurt that you think of me like that, I love you immensely and I'm sorry I was so inconsiderate but that does not give you the right to be so outright disrespectful with me, especially not in public" she said on the verge of tears. Any other day he would tell her that he was sorry, but the alcohol had unleashed the most honest version of him Eunha had ever seen . He was not completely being truthful since he still kept the most perverted and sinful of his secrets hidden inside, in what he believed to be a sick and twisted mind. "Not everything is about you Eunha" he said and she was done listening. After that she just exploded with tears and left the room crying as she ran upstairs. The damage was done, but in his state Minho wasn't thinking straight. A sober Minho would be left to deal with Eunha but for now all Minho wanted to do was get out of the house. He grabbed the keys to his Ferrari and was about to rush through the door when he stopped dead in his tracks. He could not believe his eyes when he saw Jisu's lips on what he believed was his. Taemins eyes grew wide when he saw Minho. He pushed away from Jisu and she opened her eyes disappointed until she saw Minho. She bowed and said "Good afternoon Minho" since it was the first thing she could think off. He was so done with the night he had just had that he just pushed past her. Taemin looked at Minho worried as to why he was so mad. "I think Its best if I go home" Jisu said but Taemin wasn't paying attention. He was looking passed her at the angry Minho. She kissed Taemin on the cheek as a goodbye and then rushed to her car. As she was doing so, Minho was stumbling to his. When he finally reached his car he stumbled on his feet from his state. He then passed out on the floor, Jisu shrieked and Taemin rushed to his side. "Oh gosh I should call an ambulance" she said as she reached in her purse for a phone but in his drunkenness Minho said "no, don't do that" hiccup "I'm fine". And he passed out again. Taemin could now see that he was drunk. There was no way he could take him to the hospital in that state. "I don't think that would settle well with the press, I'll just carry him inside" Taemin said to Jisu. Minho didn't look hurt so he felt as if there wasn't a need to go to such extents. She nodded "do you need help?" She asked. He shook his head "just get home safely, and go before it gets later" he said to her genuinely worried. He considered calling a chauffeur since it was nearly 2 a.m and when he brought up the idea Jisu quickly rejected it. "I hate being driven around, I like driving myself" she said and waved goodbye as she got into her car. She then drove away from the house. Taemin looked at the passed out Minho as he decided the best way to get him back inside. He then tried to get him up, but Minho was too big for his small shape. He was more fit then Taemin, though he too was in good shape. "Aish Minho wake up so we can go inside" he said exasperatedly and he had thought that Minho wouldn't hear him. "No" hiccup, I can't go in there" hiccup "the witch is there" Minho said. "Who are you talking about?" Taemin said with confusion. "Eunha?" He asked not expecting for him to say yes. Minho nodded. "Then what should we do?" He said sleepiness becoming more evident in his tone. It was nearing 2 a.m and it had been a long day. Minho could have sworn he was dreaming when he carried out the action he did next. He sat up and looked at the younger. "This is what we should do" Minho said as he pulled Taemin down and planted a kiss on his soft lips. If Taemin was confused before, he definitely believed he was delusional now. At first he tried to pull back but Minho's grip on his shoulders kept their lips attached. He then felt his heart swell with emotion as he closed his eyes and took in the kiss. He had a feeling inside of him that had never sprung up before. This kiss was different from anything he had experienced before. He had kissed many girls, like Jisu a couple minutes before, but this was a whole different level of kissing. Before it was just physical, now he felt something emotional. Had his admiration towards Minho secretly been something else?

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